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Everything posted by kurt_cobain

  1. Thanks guys; using the styling worked. I couldn't get it to work with text fields though... I had to conver them to $F entities.
  2. I have a text field like this: "Your payment of $F{pmt} was received, thanks" I'd like to bold only the payment part, and have the rest not be bold. I can do that with other reporting tools but haven't found a way to do it with Jasper; is it possible? Thanks
  3. Anyone? Anyone know why the value of this parameter is null when calling a report from inside a servlet?
  4. The reason that won't work is I need to make the text field bold and the text itself regular... unless there's a way to do that. As far as I can tell bolding, underlining etc only works with one "unit" and you can't mix within a unit such as a text field - can you? Another thing is, this field is actually a subreport that returns back a name based on a query and such.. Post edited by: kurt_cobain, at: 2008/05/07 18:54
  5. This seems simple, but I'm having a hard time figuring it out. I have a line like this: "This is [text field] just a test" The value of text field varies; it's a value from the database. I'd like to make it a certain size field, but if it's larger, "push" the rest of the sentence (i.e. 'just a test') over as needed. I've defined the position type as "float" and it still doesn't work. If I make the field too small, then its value gets "jumbled over" the string 'just a test'. If I make the field to big, I get something like this: "This is valueÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂjust a test" I'd also like to make the text field left justified... thanks Post edited by: kurt_cobain, at: 2008/05/07 13:46
  6. I wanted to try and use REPORT_CLASS_LOADER to fix the nightmare of how to dynamically load images such that the report will work in IReport and also in the application server, but when I try and use it the parameter shows as null Thanks
  7. Hi, I have a question about packaging reports and images. I currently have a folder called reports that I do this with in a servlet: InputStream reportDesign = getServlet().getServletContext().getResourceAsStream("/reports/report.jasper"); JasperRunManager.runReportToPdfStream(reportDesign, response.getOutputStream(), parameters, conn); When I do an ant build, there is a hierarchy in the WEB-INF/classes folder called reports, and that's where I copy the reports. I also have an images folder. Shouldn't that work? It works in my development environment but not via ant on an application server, I get a null pointer exception trying to open the file (as if it can't find it). Thanks
  8. I tried compiling various .jxrml files individually; I still get the error. Very strange. Could it be an issue with my local parser? I searched this forum and found other people having the same issue with no resolution... I may just have to go with the .jasper files built by IReport, sigh. I hate to do that though, would rather create them as part of the build process. Thanks Post edited by: kurt_cobain, at: 2008/05/06 16:02
  9. I'm simply trying to add an ant task to compile my .jrxml files and I'm getting a strange error. My classpath seems to be correct: compile_jasper: [echo] Building .jasper files [jrc] Compiling 8 report design files. [jrc] May 6, 2008 10:16:51 AM org.apache.commons.digester.Digester endElement [jrc] SEVERE: End event threw exception [jrc] java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException [jrc] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) [jrc] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39) [jrc] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25) Anyone know what that is? Thanks
  10. Can a sub-report consist of comma-separated values? In other words, I want to do something like this: Invoices: 20393, 20393, 20031 Where the length of the list varies... Thanks
  11. svenn wrote: Try changing the backround color of one of the fields on your subreports to see if it is returing blank values. I had pages that I though were blank but when I did this found out that my report was atually returning data. None of the subreports are returning data, that's for sure... svenn wrote: In your subreport have you set "Remove line when blank"? I just checked that, and it's checked and I'm still getting a blank 2nd page. If I remove those 3 subreports from the report, I only get one page. Two subreports return no data, and one of them returns a single line of data, with plenty of room left at the bottom... Post edited by: kurt_cobain, at: 2008/05/02 16:29
  12. Can anyone tell me why my PDF is turning out to be two pages? I have the size set at 8x10 with NO borders, and for some reason I'm getting two pages even though there is only one record in the main query. The second page is blank. Also my page layout fits in 8x10 with room to spare... I DO have 3 subreports, but they are short and fit on one page just fine - is it a property of the subreport i need to change? Thanks Post edited by: kurt_cobain, at: 2008/05/02 15:16 Post edited by: kurt_cobain, at: 2008/05/02 15:59
  13. Ok I have the query defined for the report, but I also need to query for an address for a customer to print on the letterhead (typical problem it would seem). I can't do a join with the "main" query, there's some logic in determining which address to choose. How would I do something like this? I figured I'd set up variables for the customer's address, but how do I perform a query (separate from the main data query) and fill them? Thanks
  14. mohammedhaq wrote: Here are the steps: - Create a field - Right click on the field and click "Edit Expression" - Replace the value $F{Field} with "Sample Text" - Click Apply - Right click on the field again and click properties - Click on the Hyperlink tab - Click on the Reference Tab and enter the link as a String Thanks, that's an interesting idea to work around the idea that it has to be a field to be a hyperlink. However, when I do that, my report won't run...
  15. lshannon wrote: As far as I know only images, text fields (not static ones) and charts are the only elements that support hyperlinks. HTH So I can't even create a static hyperlink??
  16. thangalin wrote: Hi, In iReport: Right-click the field you want to have as a hyperlink. Select Element Properties. Click Hyperlink. [/ol] D<br><br>Post edited by: thangalin, at: 2008/04/29 22:21 When I right click the static text field, there isn't an "Element properties". I see "Custom element properties" but I don't think that's what I'm looking for... thanks
  17. I figured this would be easy, but I can't find out how to make a static text field a hyperlink to a hard-coded website. Thanks
  18. Hi, I'm having a problem with something that seems simple. I have a series of records and I want to run a report for each one, and stream each content to my servlet output stream. It seems like each time it should just keep "appending" and I should wind up with multiple PDF's in the browser in a single stream, but I only get the first record. I've verified that my loop is occuring and the report is getting repeatedly called. Is there something I have to do after running the JasperRunManager.runReportToPdfStream each time to signify that I want to start another one? I keep only getting one single PDF in the output. Here is the code: private void generateReceiptPDF(HttpServletResponse response, Collection records) throws Exception { for (Iterator walker=records.iterator(); walker.hasNext(); walker.next()) { Map parameters = new HashMap(); parameters.put("batchId", "23022"); Collection userCol = new LinkedList(); JRDataSource dataToDisplay = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(userCol); InputStream reportDesign = getServlet().getServletContext().getResourceAsStream("/reports/testReport.jasper"); JasperRunManager.runReportToPdfStream(reportDesign, response.getOutputStream(), parameters); } } Thanks Post edited by: kurt_cobain, at: 2008/04/23 16:55 Post edited by: kurt_cobain, at: 2008/04/23 16:55
  19. Hello, I have a function in pl/sql that simply returns a system parameter in the form of a varchar2. Is there any way to call this from my jasper report? If not, is there a way to store commonly-reused methods in Jasper so code isn't duplicated all over the place? Thanks
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