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Everything posted by chriswesdorp

  1. One possibility is to pass the XML_DATA_DOCUMENT to your subreport as parameter with a subset of your main XML. The code you could use is something like this. ((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource) $P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).subDocument() Another option may be to add a seperate XML Document into the main reports parameter set in your Java application and pass that value to the subreport. So instead of adding a parameter XML_DATA_DOCUMENT you add "XML_SUB_REPORT_DATA" and pass the corresponding Document to it. Code: <subreportParameter name="XML_DATA_DOCUMENT"> <subreportParameterExpression>$P{XML_SUB_REPORT_DATA}</subreportParameterExpression> </subreportParameter> Haven't tried this yet but seems like a reasonable thing to try.
  2. In case you are in still in need for an answer, have a look at my post describing a simular problem. The crosstab needs it's own seperate dataset/datasource which can be a copy/reference to the report datasource or a new dataset based on a subset of the reports dataset. You can use Java code in the expression tags.
  3. I have another crosstab question. Is it possible to optional print rows in the column headers? I have a report with a fixed rowGroup (1 cell) but the column header may take up to 5 rows. I defined 5 fields for this in the datasource and have 5 columnGroups for each of them. The order these are used in the crosstab is head5 head4 head3 head2 head1 Head 1 should always be filled, head2 thru head5 are optional. When these fields (and thus the row) are empty the report is printed as it should be. But, as each row is 12point in height, the head1 row is printed 48 points to low. Is is possible to skip head2 thru head5 when not filled? I tried the stretch example but this does not seem to work on columnGroups. Also, the reportElement attribute isRemoveLineWhenBlank="true" does not have the expected result. It it possible? If not, what is the best work around? Regards, Chris
  4. Sometimes you need to step away if thing aren't going as you planned. So I did. Starting again a little hour ago I got back to the subdataset and things became more clear. I had a look at the JasperReport source code. I found that the subDataset is a new dataset instance and not relying on the report dataset (although it can use it). It is not really clear what the dataSourceExpression is but I had it replaced by just a datasetParameter providing the XML Document in the XML_DATA_DOCUMENT parameter (which was provided by the calling Java class). Then with a parameter (als a datasetParameter) the subdataset does process the queryString and loops over the returned elements. For some reason when a dataset is provided with the datasourceExpression the queryString is not processed. Knowing this it resulted the following report parts: Code: <subDataset name="tariff_dataset"> <parameter name="tariff_id" class="java.lang.String"></parameter> <queryString language="xPath">/tarifss/tariff[@id = $P{tariff_id}]/ladder/row</queryString> <field name="fromZone" class="java.lang.String"> <fieldDescription>fromzone</fieldDescription> </field> <field name="amount" class="java.lang.Integer"> <fieldDescription>amount</fieldDescription> </field> <field name="cost" class="java.lang.Float"> <fieldDescription>cost</fieldDescription> </field> </subDataset> <!-- partial crosstab --> <crosstabDataset> <dataset> <datasetRun subDataset="tariff_dataset"> <datasetParameter name="tariff_id"> <datasetParameterExpression>$F{tariff_id}</datasetParameterExpression> </datasetParameter> <datasetParameter name="XML_DATA_DOCUMENT"> <datasetParameterExpression>$P{XML_DATA_DOCUMENT}</datasetParameterExpression> </datasetParameter> The subdataset now gets an XML Document, executes the XPath and the crosstab is printed. Then I discovered (reading API docs and source code) it is also possible to create a Document from a node in the current Document. This is done also in the datasetParameter. As the expression is interperted as Java, inserting this code only provides the current node and you can skip the parameter as well. Code:[code] <datasetParameter name="XML_DATA_DOCUMENT"> <datasetParameterExpression>((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource) $P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).subDocument()</datasetParameterExpression> </datasetParameter> Please don't forget to pass XML_NUMBER_PATTERN and alike parameters as well, otherwise JasperReports will use the defaults. Hope this helps every one. Now you know how to use the same XML for both the master report and the crosstab.
  5. Hi, I am trying to create a crosstab table based on a XML datafile. However, for some reason when I follow the structure of the ShipmentsReport.jrxml I can not get the crosstab to work. I wondered if my crosstab definition was wrong so i create the crosstab in a summary band with the same XML. This looks like this. The XML file Code: <tariffs> <tariff id="1"> <name>some tariff</name> <currency>EUR</currency> <rows> <row> <amount>1</amount> <country>NL</country> <costs>1.00</costs> </row> <row> <amount>2</amount> <country>NL</country> <costs>1.30</costs> </row> <row> <amount>1</amount> <country>DE</country> <costs>1.10</costs> </row> <row> <amount>2</amount> <country>DE</country> <costs>1.45</costs> </row> <!-- many rows follow here --> </rows> </tariff> </tariffs> With the summary band this is the (particial) report definition: Code:[code] <!-- the query to get the costs --> <queryString language="xPath"><![CDATA[/tariffs/tariff[@id = 1]/rows/row]]></queryString> <field name="country" class="java.lang.String"> <fieldDescription>country</fieldDescription> </field> <field name="amount" class="java.lang.Integer"> <fieldDescription>amount</fieldDescription> </field> <field name="cost" class="java.lang.Float"> <fieldDescription>cost</fieldDescription> </field> <!-- the summary with crosstab --> <summary> <band height="100"> <crostab> <reportElement x="0" y="20" width="800" height="80"/> <rowGroup name="amount" width="50"> <bucket> <bucketExpression class="java.lang.Integer">$F{amount}</bucketExpression> </bucket> <!-- header definition --> </rowGroup> <columnGroup name="country" width="50"> <bucket> <bucketExpression class="java.lang.String">$F{country}</bucketExpression> </bucket> <!-- column header definition --> </columnGroup> <measure name="cost" class="java.lang.Float"> <measureExpression>$F{cost}</measureExpression> </measure> <!-- cell defition --> </crosstab> </band> </summary> This piece of code works just fine. It nicely prints the the crosstab. However, I would like to print the additional information. Based on the shipment report I create a detail band, add the fields name and currency and create the crosstab with a subdata set. As datasource expression I use P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE} to supply the XML to the subdata set. This is the (partial code): Code:[code] <subDataset name="tariff_dataset"> <parameter name="tariffIdParam" class="java.lang.String"/> <queryString language="xPath">/tariffs/tariff[@id = $P{tariffIdParam}]/rows/row</queryString> <field name="country" class="java.lang.String"> <fieldDescription>country</fieldDescription> </field> <field name="amount" class="java.lang.Integer"> <fieldDescription>amount</fieldDescription> </field> <field name="cost" class="java.lang.Float"> <fieldDescription>cost</fieldDescription> </field> </subDataset> <queryString language="xPath"><![CDATA[/tariffs/tariff]]></queryString> <field name="tariff_id"> <fieldDescription>@id</fieldDescription> </field> <field name="tariff_name"> <fieldDescription>name</fieldDescription> </field> <detail> <band height="100"> <!-- the text fields --> <crosstab> <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="800" height="80"/> <crosstabParameter name="tariffIdParam"> <parameterValueExpression>$F{tariff_id}</parameterValueExpression> </crosstabParameter> <crosstabDataset> <dataset> <datasetRun subDataset="tariff_dataset"> <dataSourceExpression>$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}</dataSourceExpression> </datasetRun> </dataset> </crosstabDataset> <! -- further report equals earlier example --> </crosstab> </band> </detail> Now the report only prints the text fields but no crosstab. Is there a possibility to do this? Chris
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