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  1. Hello, I have an Jasper OLAP view. Order table contain order number and order payable The fact table from view contains the order number, product ID and order payable amount - (product ID is taken from the Order details table). Every order have multiple products. The problem is that the Jasper is presenting a bigger value for the amount because the query is returning the same payable amount for every product detail. order_number - productID -payable amount 1 - 10 - 20 1 - 11 - 20 1 - 12 - 20 My question is that exists any possibility to use multiple products in the fact table ? exists any other approach? Thanks!
  2. Hello OLAP people, Can someone to tell me how I can view the SQL script which is running on a drill through operation in the Tomcat console? For drill down, I can see the query in the Tomcat console but I want to view also for the drill through. I want to view the query because on an olap view with 2 dimensions the details are presented correctly but when I add the dimension number 3, only the drill through for the dimension number 3 is working. Thanks!
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