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  1. hi, i have a problem. how can i transform a jfreechart chart in image and then insert the image in my report? thanks Manuel
  2. hi! is it possible to pass styled text through parameters to the report? regards Manuel
  3. hi everyone i have a problem with a line chart. normally a chart shows categories and associated values, but in this case i want to display only some categories. i mean i want on my chart every value stored in my db, but only a few categories. suppose i have 3 categories (cat1, cat2,cat3) and associated values(val1,val2val3); on my chat a want to display all the values (val1,val2,val3) but only, for example, cat2. what can i to do? regards Manuel
  4. ah ok..now i understand your hint :) i will try as you suggest thank you very much
  5. in reality i have 3 subreports and every subreport contains 1 chart..i think it's the same thing. but svenn, why have i to set the color of the textfield equal to that of the chart? tnx Manuel
  6. in reality i have 3 subreports and every subreport contains 1 chart..i think it's the same thing. but svenn, why have i to set the color of the textfield equal to that of the chart? tnx Manuel
  7. yes, this is the problem. i have no idea how to do this.. i should have a component that "knows" its exact position inside the report and passes the value of its position to the proper variable. in my report there are 3 charts, so i need only three variables, since i need to know the position of only three charts...but it's not so easy to do :blink:
  8. i'm trying to create a report containing some charts. these charts aren't freeze in the page, but their position can change depending on the size of the comments that users can insert. i'm trying to realize the table of contents of the report. the problem is: how can i get the current value of the current page of the chart and put it in the table? in other words, i'm trying to create a dynamic table of contents. regards Manuel
  9. hi, is it possible to get the various PAGE_NUMBER values during the report filling time and assign these values to others variables? what can i do? thanks Manuel
  10. hi, i'm in trouble with scriptlets. i wrote a simple scriptlet in the iReport editor in the "import and global variables" window. here is the code: import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*; public class ScriptletREPORT extends net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDefaultScriptlet{ public Integer numeroPagina() throws JRScriptletException{ Integer pagina = (Integer)getFieldValue("PAGE_NUMBER"); return pagina; } } when i compile the report i get this error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ReportPrincipaleScriptlet i have already moved the tools.jar file in the lib directory of iReport but it doesn't work. what have i to do? thanks for you help Manuel
  11. hi everybody, i'm new to iReport and JasperReports library. i'm trying to create a report in which the charts aren't fixed in the page, but can move in the report depending on the size of the comments that a user can insert. in the index of the report the page that indicates the page of the chart must match (of course) with the current page of the chart. i think i have to use scriptlets but i don't know how to use them.. any ideas? can anyone help me? Thanks Manuel
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