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Everything posted by kalapaty

  1. Hi svenn , Thanks for the help i tried the same by giving a dummy sql which will result into 10 records but the same first page is shown in all the 10 pages :( could you please help me further. Thanks, Krishna Rajendra A.
  2. I am trying to make a PDF report.yes i am checking in the iReport for preview.
  3. Hi All, I am new to Jasper reports and i am using iReports for desigining my report. In one of my report i need to have more than 10 pages as static text and in between i need few parametrs to be populated at run time. I have added a static text component in the detail section of the report and pasted the text inside that. it's compiling properly and shown only one page instead of 10 pages. In order to show the 10 pages, is there any specific property that i need set in the report. Please help me in this . Thanks in advance. Regards, Krishna Rajendra A.
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