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  1. I recently deployed jasperserver 2.1 (from war file distro). Running postgres as db, tomcat as container. Imported the sample items (and updated the postgres db data so it reflects 2006-2007 rather than 1996-1997). I was repeatedly getting an error on about default member [Time.Weekly].[All Time.Weeklys].[2006] not existing. I finally edited the FoodmartSchema.data file and removed the hierarchy "Weekly". I cleaned up the jasperserver db (drop database jasperserver; create database jasperserver; imported the defaults, then imported hte samples). Then the foodmart sample analysis view worked. Is this a bug or feature? Fwiw, I think there are two bugs: 1) FoodmartSchema.data references [All Time.Weeklys] instead of [All Time.Weekly] (as weekly is the name of the hierarchy). But patching this alone didn't solve the problem 2) ? As patching one didn't solve the problem but removing the weekly hierarchy did, some reference is broken somewhere but I haven't found it yet. File attached where I have commented out what needs to be commented out for the foodmart sample analysis view to work. -steve [file name=FoodmartSchema_fixed.txt size=29159]
  2. Have managed to help myself and thought it's worth documenting: I didn't follow instructions to a tee, I was using GNU jvm and it was not properly handling certain reflection classes. I downloaded the sun 1.6 jvm and built from source and deployed and all was well (after ensuring that tomcat's reference to JAVA_HOME in fact pointed to the sun jvm) One last note to those who wish to build from source and use Postgres rather than mysql and if you already have the postgresql jdbc jar installed: There are three pom.xml files where you need to comment out references to <repository.database.driver.groupId> these files are: <jasperserver-src>/jasperserver/jasperserver-unit-test/pom.xml <jasperserver-src>/jasperserver/jasperserver-export-package/pom.xml <jasperserver-src>/jasperserver/jasperserver-repository-hibernate/build-db/pom.xml as well as commenting out those sections in the settings.xml file in your $HOME/.m2 directory.
  3. I have deployed jasperserver 2.1 via the unpack war method. I believe I have folled the install instructions to a tee. Postgres is my db. in <tomcat-home>/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/logs/jasperserver.log, I get three errors (tomcat runs but the jasperservice does not) 1) 23:31:37,043 ERROR ContextLoader,main:205 - Context initialization failed 2) 23:31:37,118 ERROR [/jasperserver],main:? - Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener 3) 23:31:37,159 ERROR [/jasperserver],main:? - Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.util.SpringBeanServletContextPlublisher each of these three errors is followed by org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'sessionFactory' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: method org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor.visit with signature (IILjava.lang.String;Ljava.lang.String;[Ljava.lang.String;Ljava.lang.String;)V was not found. Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: method org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor.visit with signature (IILjava.lang.String;Ljava.lang.String;[Ljava.lang.String;Ljava.lang.String;)V was not found. at net.sf.cglib.core.ClassEmitter.begin_class(ClassEmitter.java:77) Can anyone help me fix this?
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