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Everything posted by martinh

  1. Hi, I have a situation that I have a detail section, containing several lines but these lines are conditional, For example an invpice line A Article X 10 pieces for 15 EUR = 150 B Intrastatcode 12345678 C Remarks: Article needs to be in red Lines A, B and C depend all of the same record (invoiceline). Line A I want to be printed always Line B needs to be printed if it is an European invoice Line C needs to be printed if there is a remark Of course in case lines B and C are empty, I don't want to see empty lines. I know it can be solved by creating 2 times a group on the invoiceline record, but that is not a nice solution. I get more and more groups like that and in fact I don't need groups here. What I need is that the detailpart (but also the groupheader and -footers) can be divided into subsections, which can conditionally be printed. Crystal Reports has this possibilty and I would like to know if Jasper Reports has (or can have) the same possibility?
  2. Thanks, ... but how do I create such a helper class In the Jasper manual there isn't something mentioned as Helper classes Also I don't know how to write Java (only some javascript) But I'm forced to use Japser Reports, so I feel myself in the water and I don't know how to swim :dry:
  3. I need the following in my Jasper Report, want I really don't know how to do this I have 2 parameters: $P{year} $P{month} I need to know the number of days in this month and the number of days this year For example year=2008, month=3 I need to know that number of days this month = 31 and number of days this year = 31+29+31 = 91 I have found the getGreatestMaximum() method in the java.util.Calender, but I really have no idea how I can determine these values. In Jasper I can only assign a variable and not making a script that finally returns the value I need. How can I realize the above in Jasper Reports? Thanks for your reply Martin
  4. Hi Mike, Thanks very much for your reply. Your solution works perfect. Martin
  5. Hello, I see some postings about my subject but none of them give a reply to my problem. I have a MS SQL Server 2005 database with a field of the type 'text' Within iReport I see that iReport sees this field as a clob (whatever that may be) When I put the field on my report I get the message: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.ClobImpl@fa865e The field is a java.lang.String and the expression is: ""+$F{mededeling}. iReport has decided to add this double quote. I see some postings about inputStream, but I don't know how to use that and what I tried to use, didn't work. I use iReports 2.0.3 Is there anyone who can make me clear how I can show this text-field in my report? Thanks Martin
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