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Everything posted by csrinaldi

  1. Hello: I have a report with a subreport . Report and subreport are deployed in the jasper server. When I use the Rest API to run the report, I get an error in the ejecution . The error is: "The report Email.jrxml not found" . (Email.jrxml is a subreport) The subreport is in the reports folder and call it from the main report the follow way /reports/Email.jrxml. Any suggestions ?
  2. Lucianc: Thanks for great article!!! I probe the solution, and go right to the following settings: ... new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(new Integer[] {4,2,6,8})) ... And part of the SQL query is: ... (motivo.id IN ($P!{enumeratedValues}) ... But .... Only work for the default value of values parameter. I use a jasperser and postgres datasource, when change the value of parameter values in the repor page, the enumeratedValues value still having the default value given by defaultValueExpression (4,2,6,8) and not the values selected. Any Idea? Thanks!!
  3. I have a report with one input parameter of type Multi Select Query. The datasource that I'm using is Postgres Datasource. The control input show fine, and, I select the values without problem but the value selected is not fill in the sql statement , by example: ..... WHERE m.id IN ($1).....[/code] The sql definition in my report is:... WHERE $X{IN, m.id,motivos} ....[/code]So, the error is a cast error (integer = varcharing ). For my, jasperserver not fill the value in the statement with the config value (column value) in the input control definition. Any idea? Thanks
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