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Posts posted by llaconde

  1. Hello everybody,


    I have quite a problem:


    This is my data:

    circuit A:856 1010 7665

    circuit B:1100 1191 3284

    circuit C:958 1154 4011


    Total: 526656 597841 287450415


    As you can see my sums aren't working. I know why but I don't know how to do it.


    The first three lines aren't some variables but are each a different field: $F{COUNT(DISTINCTGICR.OBJECTID)},


    The reason I didn't make variables is simple, in my query I have X lines of these results because for each circuit that I have, I have X troncons (that i need for something else).

    And my totals are variables where I put the same fields (see above) in sums.

    Do anybody have an idea of a resolution to my problem?

    Thank you very much.

  2. hello everybody,


    I'm using the method divide in my report.

    When i compile it in iReport there is not problem but when I try to generate my report in my java code I have the following error:

    cannot resolve symbol

    symbol : class MathContext


    cannot resolve symbol

    symbol : method divide (java.math.BigDecimal)

    location: class java.math.BigDecimal


    Does this mean I miss a jar or something?


    Thank you.

  3. Hello,


    I have a report (points.jrxml) that contains a subreport(activite.jasper)

    When I do it in my iReport, that's working fine. But I do it in my web application, I have the following error:

    "could not load object from location activite.jasper".

    And I have the two documents (jrxml and jasper) in the same directory.

    Thank you for your help.

  4. hello everybody,


    until yesterday I always got String variables to pass to my report.

    Today I have to pass a long (that I get from getTime() of Date).

    As it's not possible to pass a long in parameters.put() I converted my variable in String but then my request doesn't work anymore in my report.

    Do you have a solution to my problem?


    Sorry if it seems a simple problem for you. ;-)

    Thank you.

  5. Hello i'm using a subreport in my main report and I get back a sum from this subreport. It is called Somme_Surface_Parcours_2. I have to add this variable to another variable: Somme_Surface_Parcours_1. I need to put this addition in another variable: Somme_Surface_Parcours in which i put this : "( ($V{Somme_Surface_Parcours_2}==null) ? $V{Somme_Surface_Parcours_1} : $V{Somme_Surface_Parcours_1}.add($V{Somme_Surface_Parcours_2}) )"


    If I try to display this variable, i only get the Somme_Surface_Parcours_1 but if I display directly in a field my expression, it works just fine.

    So I really don't understand why something that is working in a field doesn't work in a variable.

    Please, help me, I going crazy!!!:woohoo:

  6. Is it possible to have two different datasources in one report?

    I have to send requests to two different datasources: one is Oracle, the other is an XML file. Is that possible? Because only one datasource can be active in iReport so I'm not sure it is possible.


  7. Problem solved!!!!!!!!!:P

    I way to solve this problem (because there might be another way...) is to change the properties of the report in the size of the page you put 20,496 cm for the hight instead of 20,990.

    This is very weird, i don't know if it's a bug or not but it's really disturbing! :blink:

    Thanks for your help anyway.

  8. I saw someone else got the same problem as me.

    Does anyone can help us?


    I tries something else:



    key variable=VALEUR/@key

    action variable=*


    This works but it only display the first one. What do I have to do to display all my "VALEUR"?


  9. Hello everybody,

    I need help to read value in xml file. My file is like this:

    <DOMAINE keyType="integer" nom="ACTION">

    <VALEUR key="31">ABC</VALEUR>

    <VALEUR key="32">DEF</VALEUR>


    I managed to do the connection. I defined the path correctly: /DOMAINES/DOMAINE[@nom=ACTION]/VALEUR

    I manage to read the key using a field (description is @key) and I would like to read the 'ABC' and 'DEF' but when i put a field with description valeur, that's not working.

    Please help...


    Thank you in advance.


  10. Hi,


    I'm printing an XLS landscape report on my web application.

    When I'm using iReport to visualise my report the pageFooter is correctly placed. But when I open my xls document by my web application (using of course the same jrxml) the pageFooter is not correct: there are 6 rows added on the first page! I have more than 100 pages so it's not good at all, everything is incorrect.

    Thank you for your help.


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