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Everything posted by Aleksss

  1. I have russian interface and the icons names can be differ. Choose button Report Groups Create new groups - g1,g2 etc. I created new group for every new page. Set content for first page in the g1 Header, second - g2 Header etc. I did not use footers and even detail blocks. In the properties of group 'Group Header Band Height' was set to 709 and 'Start on a New Page' is chosen. And thats all :)
  2. I have a russian interface and icons names can differ. Choose the 'Report Groups' icon. Create several groups - g1, g2, g3 etc. Every group for new page. Choose property for every group.I set 'Group Header Band Height' to 709. The 'Start on a New Page' has to be chosen. Content for every page I put to the g1 Header, g2 Header etc. The footers and details I didnot use. Thats all. It should work.
  3. Unfortunately styledtext is not working. Is there another way to solve it?
  4. Thank you. But I write Code: <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["This is text <style isBold="true"> NAME </style> live in "+$F{CITY}]]></textFieldExpression> and receive pdf view 1. This is text <style isBold="true"> NAME </style> live in London What's wrong?
  5. Gentelmen! I have to create one line of text in the report. But name has to be bold and underlined and rest of line - common text. I create two separate Text Fields -one for name and set bold and underline font for it -second for rest of text. It's working. But when the name consists of 15 letters it is not shown completely. If the name consists of 2 letters - too big space between it and next field. So I preffer to create one text field consisting of name and rest text. How I can to set separately font for one word in text field?
  6. Hello, Gentlemen! How the text block with lines like line1line2line3line4 can be created by iReport facilities?Thank you.
  7. can help subreports? Post edited by: Aleksss, at: 2008/01/08 15:19
  8. Yes, I have not found solution in this book also. There is Edit->Insert page/Column break in the main menu. I think you can point the break of every page after your Group. But all pages have to be set inside one 'work' page in the iReport in any event. Could you explain how to create these Groups? :(
  9. I want to create contract template. It consists of 3 pages. All pages contain values (like FIRST_NAME_CUSTOMER, COMPANY_NAME etc) and static text (conditions of contract etc). I'm trying to create it using iReport. But max height of detail band is 803 and all text and values cannot get into this page. Actually it should be 3 pages. How I can adjust this report? Help please.
  10. I want to create contract template. It consists of 3 pages. All pages contain values (like FIRST_NAME_CUSTOMER, COMPANY_NAME etc) and static text (conditions of contract etc). I'm trying to create it using iReport. But max height of detail band is 803 and all text and values cannot get into this page. Actually it should be 3 pages. How I can adjust this report? Help please.
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