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Everything posted by ionutnespus

  1. Hi, I found a work around for this. I put in every band an empty element that stretches to band height, that has a given key("band_height" for example). I fill the report and then I do this programatically: Code:List ps = jrjasperPrint.getPages(); JRPrintPage p = (JRPrintPage)ps.get(0); List el = p.getElements(); for(int j =0; j < el.size(); j++) { JRPrintElement e = ((JRPrintElement)el.get(j)); if(e.getKey().equals("band_height"«»)) height = e.getHeight(); } It really helped :P
  2. Hi, I searched the net with no results... Is there a way to get the specified band height from a JasperPrint object or JRPrintPage after filling the report? I really need this . Thanks. ;)
  3. Hi, Thanks for the tip, but I tried before and now again, but I get the same error: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Subreport overflowed on a band that does not support overflow. I don't understand why it doesn't support overflow.
  4. Hi, I have some data to print on the last page, so obviously I choose lastpagefooter band. But when the data overflows, it's not there any more. So I decided to move it to the summary band, and it worked, but now the data on the column footer appears before summary.. Why isn't the lastpagefooter band stretching like summary? Any one has an Idea how can I print data on the bottom of the last page when the data height is variable? Thanks.
  5. Hi, I did the same with the column footer, I don't see other solution. Did you tried this with "print when expression"? Take 2 variables that count the pages. Make the evaluation time for one "now" and for the other "report". Then put a condition to print the line if it's not on the last page. I did not test this, but I hope it works. Good luck.
  6. Hi, I'm trying to draw table lines to bottom in detail band, but if the data source doesn't have enough rows, it just stops at the middle of the page with the lines. I tried filling the data source with empty rows, but I don't know with how many. Is there a easier way to achieve this? Thanks.
  7. Hi, I'm trying to add the same subreport twice, but only one instance is filled withe data. Do you know how can I do this or any workaround? Thanks!
  8. Hi, Thanks for your reply, I didn't know how to access the components you added. Here is a code snippet for others who want to use this feature from the demo: Code: public JRViewerPlus(JasperPrint jrPrint) throws JRException { super(jrPrint); tlbToolBar.remove(btnSave); tlbToolBar.remove(btnReload); btnPlus = new javax.swing.JButton(); btnPlus.setToolTipText("Plus..."«»); btnPlus.setText("Plus..."«»); btnPlus.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(80, 23)); btnPlus.setMaximumSize(new java.awt.Dimension(80, 23)); btnPlus.setMinimumSize(new java.awt.Dimension(80, 23)); btnPlus.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { btnPlusActionPerformed(evt); } }); tlbToolBar.add(btnPlus, 0); } Have a new successful year and congratulations for your work, people like you makes one proud to be a Romanian.
  9. Hi, I searched all over but did not found anything about this... I want to change the jaspervier menu programatically(add, remove buttons). Could someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks.
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