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Everything posted by rbastic

  1. Hello, I'm creating a very simple report. It consists of a main report with 5 subreports in the detail section. Everything displays perfectly, but on each of the subreports i have a dynamic field that acts as the header. I'd like it to have with a grey background color.... Now, I created a sample test report outside of this one and had no problems creating fields with background colors. However, in the context of subreports, it seems when viewing the pdf report in Adobe there is an "Illegal operation inside a path" error ... This happens if I set the grey background color on the element, if I put a line as a separator, OR if i put a grey rectangle on the form below the text with transparent turned on. Any ideas? I can't understand why colors would be failing on the subreports.. I'm using iReport 2.0.4 and jasper reports 2.0.4 ( i just upgraded from 2.0.3 b/c i was having the same issue & wasn't sure if upgrading would fix.)
  2. Sorry but that property is already enabled on all my subreports.... It's got to be something else that fixes this problem - I'm just not sure what.... Surely its been solved dozens of times before by other programmers. -Ryan
  3. this is similar to the the previous post about empty space between subreports... except my subreports are occasionally empty on the form -- i've got 4 of them, and depending on certain values some get displayed and others don't. the problem is the ones that don't have data end up causing the bottom most report to scroll to the next page, and there is a ton of whitespace on the bottom of the first page because of this.... how would i actually hide the empty subreports and have everything adjust properly?
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