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  1. Simgen


    Hi, I have a report with no query and a subreport in the detail band, but there is only the subreport in the detail band and when I run the report it doesn't appear, if I insert in the detail band a field and I use in the subreport the option "print when expression" the subreport appear so how can I visualize the subreport when in the detail band there is only the subreport? Post edited by: Simgen, at: 2008/01/22 13:57 Post edited by: Simgen, at: 2008/01/22 14:17
  2. error Post edited by: Simgen, at: 2007/12/19 10:24
  3. I create a chart.java (a simple modified DefaultPieChart) and then what do I do? ... :blink: :blink: :blink: p.s.: I have ant and jfreechart Post edited by: Simgen, at: 2007/12/19 10:27
  4. thanks for the reply, but... simply define the pattern of the values in ireport is possible?
  5. I have a bars graphic with value: 5, 10, 15, 20 etc. (double), but I want display: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% etc. how can I do it?
  6. I'm sorry for the post :( the time in the db column is in seconds not in milliseconds so adding "/1000" the query run.
  7. My query is: select a,b,c from qqq where d >= $P{X} and d <= $P{Y} $P{X} = new Long($P{XX}.getTime()) $P{Y} = new Long($P{YY}.getTime()) $P{XX} and $P{YY} type util.Date with prompt but when I run the report is empty why??? when I read the query fields d >= $P{X} = null Post edited by: Simgen, at: 2007/12/13 15:47
  8. thanks all I resolved with $P! without java.util.Collection
  9. mdahlman wrote: Simgen, I'm not clear what you meant by this: "I run the report in ireport choose in the LISTAREA prompt W (or X or Y or... I have only one choice) but I obtain empty report". If LISTAREA is a string then you should be able to type in "W, X, something else" or whatever string you like. In JasperServer when you try to use a multiselect input control to populate a string, I'm not sure what the results will be. I think a better solution will be to use the $X syntax: http://www.jasperforge.org/sf/go/artf2075;jsessionid=021FB2F78A32BD00B24DFC15EDBEAE6C?nav=1 In this case AREA would be a java.util.Collection and the syntax would be like this: where $X{IN, A, AREA} Regards, Matt I tried all day also $X syntax but prefer $P more simple. In ireport I was simply wrong when I typed the string in LISTAREA instead in jasperserver when I run the report the string X,Y,Z is transformed in [X,Y,Z] so I have to change the syntax in the parameter to replace also the [] so the query can run correctly. thanks for the reply ;)
  10. lucianc wrote: If you plan to use this utility class often, the simplest thing would be to compile it, pack it into a jar and place it on the web application's classpath (i.e. under WEB-INF/lib). This was you'd be able to use it from any report. Regards, Lucian How I compile it? How I pack it into a jar? p.s.: I'm sorry for my ignorance :(
  11. Hi, i'm a newby with ireport, jasperserver and english :blink: and i've some doubts and problems. I have a query like this: SELECT A, B, C, D FROM CS_TICKET WHERE A IN $P!{AREA} AREA is the parameter, type string, no prompt, default $P{LISTAREA}.replace(",","',"), no properties LISTAREA is the other parameter, type string, prompt, default "V,W,X,Y,Z", no properties I run the report in ireport choose in the LISTAREA prompt W (or X or Y or... I have only one choice) but I obtain empty report if I run the report in jasperserver in multi-select with for example two choices X and Y again I have empty report where's the problem? where am I wrong?
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