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Everything posted by danielferreira

  1. Finally found out what was wrong, it was thanks to the sample report "Sales By Month" that as a subreport on it, and by analyzing it i came to realize the problem, the wizard suggest the path "repo:subreport.jrxml" and it uploads the subreport with the name "subreport" while in jasperserver the correct path would be "repo:subreport" whithout the .jrxml. This is the main problem but i most reference that ireport fails to alter the main report path maintaining to local path "c:\...", i had to alter the main report on ireport to "repo:subreport" then upload them both.
  2. Hi and thank you for your reply, yes it fails to change the main jrxml to address the sub report as repo:subreport.jrxml, i have already tried to change it before upload to repo:subreport.jrxml. What happens is: I cant compile it on my ireport (dont know if it is really necessary) Still i try to upload it to jasperserver, when uploading i get an error "1 - ; nested exception is: javax.mail.MessagingException(...)" I having the previous error i notice the report was uploaded, but no jrxml exists under "resource" folder at jasperserver So i upload directly into to "resource" folder the jrxml subreportwhen i try to run the main report i get the following error net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error opening input stream from URL : repo:subreport.jrxml Hope someone can help me with this problem, thanks.
  3. Hi if you want to bypass the login window, all you have to do is make your login window with the fields username (name="j_username") and password (name="j_password") then on post just post it to your jasperserver location but on j_spring_security_check "folder" ex: http://your_jasperserver:8080/jasperserver/j_spring_security_check. here is a quick code Hope it helps, if it does... please take a look on my topic (bellow yours) perhaps you can help me :P Code:<form id="loginForm" action="http://your_jasperserver:8080/jasperserver/j_spring_security_check" method="POST"><input id="j_username" type="text" name="j_username"><input id="j_password" class="" type="password" maxlength="47" name="j_password"><button type="submit"></form> Post Edited by danielferreira at 11/18/2011 11:07
  4. Hi, i have a report with a subreport that works fine on ireport but when i upload it to jasperserver it just fails to work here is the message i get. " The server has encountered an error. Please excuse the inconvenience.Error Messagecom.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: Resource not found at : lista_clientes_sub.jasper Error Tracecom.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Resource not found at : lista_clientes_sub.jasper at net.sf.jasperreports.repo.RepositoryUtil.getResource(RepositoryUtil.java:155) at net.sf.jasperreports.repo.RepositoryUtil.getReport(RepositoryUtil.java:126) at " Next i will explain the steps i took perhaps iam doing something wrong. Opened main report using ireport 4.1.1 Using the Repository Navigator, i browsed the desired folder on my jasperserver and made "Add>JasperServer report" Indicated the current opened report Defined the Data Source from the repository Pressed finish and it poped up a window saying that the report as resources attached I press continue everything seems fine and looking at "Repository Navigator" i can see my main report upload and inside of it there is a folder "resources" where i can see my subreport (jrxml). But when i try to run it on jasperserver i get the error message. Iam using jasperserver 4.2.1(installed on a linux machine) and ireport 4.1.1(using on windows) Thanks in advanced
  5. I am unable to solve this still, i tried create a new class that extend JRViewer to try and access btnReload http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/api/index.html but it doesnt show, the api iam looking at is jasperreports 4.0.1 perhaps something has changed, or perhaps iam doing it wrong public class JRCustomViewer extends JRViewer{ public JRCustomViewer(JasperPrint jp) throws net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException { super(jp); this.btnReload.setEnabled(true); } } But i cant access btnReload.. help on this would be very much apreciated --------------------------------------------- http://sourceforge.net/projects/jasviewer/ Post Edited by danielferreira at 08/10/2011 15:26
  6. Hi all, hope you guys dont mind posting this here, but here it goes... This is a Viewer for jasper reports with the following main features: - ability to be easily be called from other apps - prompt user for parameters - suport dynamic parameters (from sql peace of code) Now that we have it up and running (still very young) we want to give it away to the comunity and its called JasViewer. https://sourceforge.net/projects/jasviewer/ example java -jar JasViewer.jar -h ARGUMENTS: <empty> - loads JasViewer normally -h, -help - prints help -d, -driver <name of driver> - jdbc driver name -c, -connection <the given connection string> - passes jdbc connection string -u, -user <username> - username of the database connection -pw, -password <password> - password of the database connection -p, -path <default path (opening files)> - passes jdbc connection string -r, -report <default path (to the given jasper file)> - Loads a report with extencion .jasper Example using a postgresql connection java -jar JasViewer.jar -d org.postgresql.Driver -c jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/databasename -u dbusername -pw dbpassword Example using odbc connectionjava -jar JasViewer.jar -c jdbc:odbc:DSNAME Hope someone will find it usefull Post Edited by danielferreira at 08/11/2011 10:44
  7. If anyone wants to take a closer look on my problem i made the standalone aplication available at https://sourceforge.net/search/?q=jasviewer It is called JasViewer it just runs reports not designs them (something like iReport whithout the designing features) i believe many of the jasperreports users might be looking for something like this. Hope someone can help me with the refresh button
  8. Hi iam using JRViewer, to open jasper reports but the refresh button is not enabled where do i enable it? Also how do i catch event of the refreh button? I need to redesign the parameters of the report with the given last values. If anyone can share a peace of code on how to do that would really help. Regards Daniel
  9. Hey instead of SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE CODE_ITEM IN ( $P{itemCodes} ) put SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE CODE_ITEM IN ( $P!{itemCodes} ) it should run perfectly
  10. Hello is it possible to zoom in a report at design time? Thx
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