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Everything posted by goku2

  1. Hi gyorgyk, I had the same problem. I'm runing a Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.3. To run iReports you have to do it throw the console. Go to iReport folder. For example: Code: $ cd /Applications/iReport-3.0.0/ Then, grant execute access to the iReports.sh script Code:[code] $ chmod u+x iReports.sh After that, run it Code:[code] $ ./iReports.sh If you have some problem similar to this: Code:[code] /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory You have to convert line breaks to unix format. it can be done in 2 ways. - Solution 1: With dos2unix. you can install it throw macports Code:[code] $sudo port install dos2unix And then: Code:[code] $ dos2unix iReports.sh $ dos2unix bin/startup.sh - Solution 2: Code:[code] $ vi iReports.sh : set ff=unix : wq Code:[code] $ vi bin/startup.sh : set ff=unix : wq At last but not least, Code:[code] $ ./iReports.sh Happy reporting :D Goku2
  2. Hi yurish! I have the same problem. Is there a way to specify the text field width in a percentage unit? This could solve the expantion problem, but i don't know if this is posible. Regards
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