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  1. try to use insert page/column break.. ciao
  2. I have 2 columns both are numeric, with this 2 columns i want to print them one above the other i mean i want to concatenate the column but the second column i want it wrapped example: select price1 , price2 , price || "\n" || price2 from dual; what is the oracle function that allows to wrapp a column?? Thnx in advance dru
  3. hi you should put this code on Band Properties Print when expression of PageHeader $V{PAGE_NUMBER}.intValue() == 1? new Boolean(true) : new Boolean(false) or new Boolean($V{PAGE_NUMBER}.intValue() == 1) i hope it will help u.. ciaoo Post Edited by driu at 06/15/2011 15:34
  4. Thank you smo much for your answer.. it works fine..!!! would you mind if i ask u another question?? i have 2 column both numeric i want to concatenate and wrap the second column.. example price1 || "\n"|| price2 Question: what is the oracle function that allows me to wrap the second column?? Thx in andvance
  5. hello guys i have a problem with my report.. on my print when expression i have this $F{TIPO_INCASSO}.equals("2")? new Boolean(true) : new Boolean(false) since i want to add another condition..! and i want to become like this: $F{TIPO_INCASSO}.equals("2")? new Boolean(true) : new Boolean(false) && $F{TIPO_1}.equals("C")? new Boolean(true) : new Boolean(false) im encountering an error The operator && is undefined for the argument type(s) Boolean, boolean value = (java.lang.Boolean)(new Boolean(((java.lang.String)field_TIPO_INCASSO.getValue()).equals("2")? new Boolean(true) : new Boolean(false) && ((java.lang.String)field_TIPO_1.getValue()).equals("C")? new Boolean(true) : new Boolean(false)));//$JR_EXPR_ID=28$ Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks in advance Driu
  6. allora se tu hai questa querySelect count(c.sesso) From contatto c , risposta r Where c.id = r.id and c.sesso = 'M' ti ristituisce solo i maschi.. invece se tu facessi questa query.. guarda bene.. Select count(c.sesso) conta_m , x.conta_f From contatto c , risposta r , (Select count(c.sesso) conta_f From contatto c , risposta r Where c.id = r.id and c.sesso = 'F') x Where c.id = r.id and c.sesso = 'M' ma la tabella risposta cosa ti serve?? spero ke con questa query ti risolve il problema Saluti, driu Post Edited by Druvi Smith at 12/02/08 15:22 Post Edited by Druvi Smith at 12/02/08 15:25
  7. you should create a group.. and when you do that you should active Reset page number and Start on a New Page.. with this you can see all the results in different pages that your query can return if you want to add the page number you should put th variable page number.. hope it will help you a lot.. driu
  8. because there is a possibility that they cant read very well the code if i have to put a statis below the barcode.. im afraid of that.. driu
  9. telo, yeah i had that idea but it would be great if i had any solutions to put away that line.. thnx for your concern.. driu
  10. Hi to all, I have this report which is Print Barcode.. on this report i want to print EAN13 barcode but i have noticed that when i used this kind of barcode there is a line printing below the barcode and number.. i've just wondering if there's a way to put it out this line.. I have an exmpale here in file .pdf.... Any suggestions and opinion will be appreciated.. thanx in advance.. Driu
  11. Hi to all, Encountered a problem when printing jasper barcode EAN13.. i want to know if there is any way to take away the line when printing the EAN13 i jasper..????? any suggestion would be appreciated.. Thanx in advance.. Driu
  12. Hi to all, I need your help seriously.. i have this Report name Sales Order and i want it to print another copy with the same report. I mean i want to have another Sales Order with more information than the original.. . What should i do to resolve my problem??? Any help would be appreciated..... Thnx in advance... driu
  13. ok.. u have to controll the properties of the group if it is selected the "start on a new page or reset page number" if it is remove the selecting and then run the report..
  14. hola.. yes it is possible.. i dont speak ur language so i can say the instructions in english.. u have to go to options and then settings,, search language and after that u can choose the any language u want... adios asta la hora...
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