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Everything posted by imypraz

  1. Hi... Ignore this post. OpenReports doesn't appear to support "JavaBeans" datasources. I had made the assumption that the call to the static factory is made from within the .jasper file. I guess this question should have been posted to the OpenReports forum instead. Thanks anyway.
  2. Hi... I am using a JavaBeans set Datasource in my report and having problems getting access to the Collection. The report simply pops up (via openreports) contains the String value "null". The factory class is contained within a .EAR which is deployed on JBoss5 app server. I know the class is classloaded and functioning as I can call the function and get results back from the user interface. If I take my .EAR and add it to the classpath within iReport and test the report this way. I can get results back. However, these are hardcode items added to the Collection. I need to access the class running on the app server, as I need the static factory to access my database. I am using JasperReport 3.6.1. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  3. Ignore this topic, it was somthing silly. thnx.
  4. I use somthing like this when displaying dates... new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMMM yyyy").format($F{report_date})
  5. Hi, For some reason, my threads box is always white. When I compile a report, I get a message for half a second saying "Compiling report" and thats all. Until yesterday, I could see the full results after compiling a report, now I see nothing but a white box. I have tried re-installing iReport v2.0 ... even went back to trying v1.3, still not luck. I would appreciate it if someone could help me out. thnx :)
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