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Everything posted by Lnederpel

  1. Okay this is a similar issue I have one product This product is located at different locations in a warehouse the column header is the product de details are de different locations with the qty onhand the footer is the total example PRODUCT A (header) location 1 -5 (detail) location 2 -10 (detail) location 3 115 (detail) TOTAL 100 (footer) In my report Query I have SELECT product.value, product.name, storage.qtyonhand, locator.value, FROM product LEFT JOIN storage ON product.product_id = storage.product_id LEFT JOIN locator ON storage.locator_id = locator.locator_id WHERE product.isactive = 'Y' ORDER BY product.name ASC The TOTAL is a variable and a SUM of $F{storage.qtyonhand} I want to only show the negative outcomes of the TOTAL variable in my report.. what to do? Thanks in advance
  2. Hi all, I have a variable in my report which is a substraction between two fields. My question is, is it possible to order a report by the variable and only show the negative outcome. thanks in advance
  3. Can you please give me that expression/code, because I'm facing the same problem... Regards Lodewijk
  4. Can you please give me that expression/code, because I'm facing the same problem... Regards Lodewijk
  5. Hi Luke, Thanks for the quick reply... The field is a BigDecimal. And yes I want it to be in one string. What to to when the field is a bigdecimal?? Thanks.. Lodewijk
  6. Hi All..! If have the following question/issue. I want a specific field to be shown if the field group ID ($F{group_id}) is several ID's and another field needs to be shown with other ID's . So I have to use the print when expression. But do not know how to work with ID's in the print when expression. Something like: new Boolean($F{group_id}.equals(1000016,1000017)) But this gives me an error. I've treid many different things, but are really stuck now. Any help will be very appreciated Thanks
  7. Sorry..Got it. I tried something else and it seems I had an error somewhere else in the expression..;)
  8. Hi All, I'm trying to give a static text field two print when expressions... So Show field when: $F{TEXTFIELD.equals("Y") and $F{TEXTFIELD}.equals("1000002") But I don't know how to accomplish this. So I need to find the AND for a print when expression. Please help. Post edited by: Lnederpel, at: 2007/12/13 13:42
  9. Hi all, I'm new in iReport and this forum. I'm trying to show a static text box, but I want it not to be shown when the language of a business partner (c_bpartner_language - Field String) is nl_BE or fr_BE (language_id in Database), So I think I need to use the 'Print When Expression'... I'm not sure what to use for the 'is not equal' Expression, I know there is an 'equals'. Any Suggestions? using iReport 2.0.1 Regards, Post edited by: Lnederpel, at: 2007/11/19 12:07
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