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  1. Can you please tell what exactly the problem was? I am getting the same error from my analysis view and I see test of my datasource being successful. What did you do in your case? Thanks
  2. I am new to Jasper Analysis. I am trying to create a demo analytical report connecting to oracle 10g. I have created a Mondrian connection, verified my dimensional schema with the Workbench utility. They all seem to be fine. Then I am trying to run my query in the analytical view and getting this wierd error straing away. It does not even show any high level data Code:SELECT {[Measures].[Total EUR Eq Amount], [Measures].[Total rows count]} ON COLUMNS, {[Account].[All Accounts]} ON ROWS FROM InstrumentCptyCube Code:[code]Error Trace: javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: An error occurred while getting property "result" from an instance of class com.tonbeller.jpivot.tags.OlapModelProxy Can you please help. Where to look and how to diagnose the issue. I am running on JasperServer 2.1 on my XP Win machine
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