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Everything posted by pttsui

  1. Thanks for your reply. I know your solution and it's what we're doing now. However, it's rather annoying to modify the parameters everytime the SQL is updated. Btw, I find that my colleaque doesn't has the same problem. They get Long from the SQL; whereas I get BigDecimal. We are installing from the same package and cannot explain the difference.
  2. Hi all, I am connecting using iReport connecting to a MS SQL Server. I have a table column of bigInt and when I am selecting it through a sQL in the "Report Query". HOwever, the Field Type retrieved becomes java.math.BigDecimal, which I expected to be java.lang.Long. Any clues of the wrong data type detection?
  3. I am given a task to display the statistics of a group of students of various age. In SQL, I use something like "select id_no, name, age, height from students" so that I can list all students' data one by one order by student id (id_no). At the end of the report, I need to give the summary displaying the average height for each age. This requires me to create a group. But I don't know how to store the sum in a list which I don't know the length (because all students maybe of the same age and maybe in a wide distribution)
  4. You probably experience the same problem I had http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=215&func=view&id=32741&catid=9
  5. Hi, all. I am considering to use stored proc. to generate report for comprehensive data processing. Reading the discussion of the forum so far, iReport is not capable of handling stored proc. that returns mulitple fields (right?) If this's true. I change the approach: As suggested by the documentation of iReport, data to retrieved can be inserted by stored proc. first, which is then accessed by the report. For some reason, I would like to complete the whole task in iReport. So - how can I invoke all this stuff in iReport 1. call stored proc. 2. Make query from temp table? To make question simpler : can I put mulitple SQLs in "Report Query" wizard? Is it a must that I have to use sub-report for this? I am using MS SQL DB server. Please point it out if I don't make my question clear.
  6. Thanks, it works. I don't have allocated enough space in the main report (The height of the space is smaller than the actual height of the report). I never have imagined there is such a big impact. Post edited by: pttsui, at: 2007/11/06 23:59
  7. Hi, I have include 2 cascaded groups in the PDF report e.g. A and B In A, I include a subreport, under which I put some static text underneath. The static text is on the bottom edge of group A. But when I create the report, I see some unexpected space between A and B (according to the static text I put) However, when I remove the subreport, the report stick well to each other then. Do you guys have any clues? Post edited by: pttsui, at: 2007/11/05 06:29 Post edited by: pttsui, at: 2007/11/05 06:31 Post edited by: pttsui, at: 2007/11/05 06:54
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