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  1. Hi, if i have an subreport in the summary band the content always doubles in thicknes ( the font appear even thicker than without subreport) how can i "workaround" this issue
  2. i setup the local to en for the xml source -> so it works.
  3. Hi i have an xml Datasource like this: Code:<reportdata> <item><name>a</name><value>8.927</value></item> <item><name>b</name><value>2322.02</value></item> <item><name>c</name><value>27.34</value></item> <item><name>d</name><value>838.0</value></item> <item><name>e</name><value>8324.123</value></item> </reportdata>if i define the value as Double in the Field list the output will be like this: a 8927,00 b 232202,00 c 2734,00 d 8380,00 e 8324123,00if i define it as String an manipluate the TextFieldExpression to new Double(${Value}) the output looks (correctly) like this: a 8,93 b 2322,02 c 27,34 d 838,00 e 8324,12 which is the correct output.What happens here? Is this a Bug?
  4. Hi i have an xml Datasource like this: Code:<reportdata> <item><name>a</name><value>8.927</value></item> <item><name>b</name><value>2322.02</value></item> <item><name>c</name><value>27.34</value></item> <item><name>d</name><value>838.0</value></item> <item><name>e</name><value>8324.123</value></item> </reportdata>if i define the value as Double in the Field list the output will be like this: a 8927,00 b 232202,00 c 2734,00 d 8380,00 e 8324123,00if i define it as String an manipluate the TextFieldExpression to new Double(${Value}) the output looks (correctly) like this: a 8,93 b 2322,02 c 27,34 d 838,00 e 8324,12 which is the correct output.What happens here? Is this a Bug?
  5. Hi have an xml file like this (this is delivered by an external partner): Code: <report> <row> <date>23.01.2006</date> <valueA>2345</valueA> </row> <row> <date>21.05.2007</date> <valueA>12345</valueA> </row> <row> <date>23.05.2007</date> <valueA>22345</valueA> </row> <report>next thing is that i build a report about values and the date. then i wanted to group by month and year. so i build a varible with the following expression (monthYearGroup): Code:[code]new Integer(new String($F{date}.substring(6,10)+$F{date}.substring(3,5)))so i get the two groups: 200601 and 200705. The pdf shows 2 groups but the groupheader (monthYearGroup) shows "null" at the first and then it shows "200601" - "200705" is never shown. Why does jpR show "null" at the first group? Did i miss something?
  6. Hi i have negative Floats in my xml Datasource i.e: <myVal>-12,34</myVal> if i export it to pdf every value below "0" will be shown as the text "null" if the tag is like that: <myVal>29,322</myVal> the text will be exported correctly. What did i do wrong?
  7. that doeas not work really: Code:<title isTitleNewPage="true" ><band height="294" isSplitAllowed="false" >or: Code:[code]<title > <band height="294" isSplitAllowed="false" isTitleNewPage="true" >throws the following error: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Attribute "isTitleNewPage" must be declared for element type "title". did i miss something? whats wrong here?
  8. Hi, is there a posibility to add a cover sheet?
  9. hi, is it possible to build a gradient colored box?
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