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Posts posted by Pedja

  1. The subreport expands to the size it needs, and it expands the band in which it is located, but pushes all the white space under it . For example, if your Title band is 20px high, your subreport ELEMENT is 10px high and aligned to the band top, and the SUBREPORT itself is 30px high, in the master report you will end up with Title band that is 40px high - 30px for the subreport and 10px of whitespace under the subreport element.

    You can also try to shrink the subreport page size to minimum (Edit->Report properties, Page height and Page Width).

  2. Hi,


    When I run the report, I get the result without the extra line break (screenshot attached), the only thing I changed is the font (Helvetica) but I don't think it has anything to do with it. It must be some simple thing that all of us overlooked! size=380]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/untitled-390a9d43b212a564ff08ee8b37d31ad9.JPG

    Post edited by: Pedja, at: 2007/11/08 08:08

  3. There could be two reasons for that:

    1. your subreport has margins>0px or some bands that you do not use >0px (like Summary), check this.

    2. in your master report you have some white space under your subreport element, and the subreport pushes that space down as it expands.


    Hope that helps!

  4. The German text content is not the problem for me, but the names of the variables, i fully understand your problem. But, more than that it is the complex variable expressions which I can not test. I never worked with very long content so I don't know for sure if that is the problem, but it could be. Can you try to isolate the problem by splitting the long text variables into several smaller, and see if that works? Or, if you have the time, can you make a test report with only variables (like in your report) and static text, but without fields returned from database? That way maybe I could help you some more.
  5. I can't test your report and isolate the problem, because I don't understand German and the report is too complicated to be analyzed without running it. But, you can try to test the "Stretch with overflow" and see if it is the root of the problem (put some background color on the body element to see if it is responsible for the extra row). I'm sorry for not being able to help you more with this issue.
  6. You probably do not supply the report with all the parameters (check the parameter names, also). Either that or the report really doesn't have any rows for parameter values that you pass. Do you have any subreports in your report? If you do, make sure you put the correct SUBREPORT_DIR value into your parameter map.
  7. You can do this by converting Integer to BigDecimal (maybe first Integer to String, and then String to BigDecimal), and then use BigDecimal.add() method. I know this is very dirty, but it works and I don't know any other way :) You could use something like


    (new BigDecimal($V{PAGE_NUMBER}.toString())).add(new BigDecimal($P{REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP}.get("param1").toString()))


    I know it's ugly.



  8. First, check to see if the subreport occupies only the space it really needs (remove margins and shrink all the bands that you do not use to 0px). If that doesn't work, maybe you have some white space below your subreport element on your main report. For some reason, it seems that if you, for example, have a band that is 20px high and your subreport element (not the subreport itself) is 10px high and is top-aligned to the band, in runtime the subreport expands to as much space as it needs BUT pushes that remaining 10px down. This bothered me a few days ago.



  9. Update:


    With poi-3.0-rc4-20070503.jar Excel showed partial borders on each element, but when I upgraded it to poi-3.0.1-FINAL-20070705.jar it no longer shows any borders, only text! This happens even with single element on report.




    With POI 3.0.1 thin borders are not visible at all (PDF or XSL), 1 point borders are visible but still behaving strange.


    Post edited by: Pedja, at: 2007/10/26 12:57




    The bug is due to magnet, because it brings together two fields but sometimes with 1px error, so overlaping elements have screwed up borders. Took me a while to figure this out.

    Post edited by: Pedja, at: 2007/10/26 17:21

  10. Steps to reproduce:


    1. In a new document create Static Text field (you can keep the 'Static text' content)

    2. Change all the borders to thin (or anything else but None)

    3. Copy the field and paste it (or create a new one with thin borders)

    4. Put it on the right side of the first static text, and make sure it is NOT aligned perfectly with it (move it down 10px)

    5. Compile and run the report as XSL file.


    The borders are all screwed up. This makes building non-elementary table headers impossible if XSL is required. Is there a workaround? I have tried with drawing the table header with rectangles but they do not show at all in the resulting file. This is probably a bug in POI library, my version is poi-3.0-rc4-20070503.


    Thanks for any help.


  11. Here is what I did:


    1. I copied these 3 driver files into iReport/lib:

    ojdbc14.jar, ojdbc14dms.jar and ojdbc5dms.jar

    2. When creating new connection I have set oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver and filled the JDBC URL, username and password fields

    Hope that helps!



  12. One possible solution would be to export the report as .xls file, because Excel knows how to print it. But my report looks awful in Excel, very different than in PDF (here I have another issue with cyrillic fonts - in Foxit the report looks perfect, but in Adobe Reader all letters are printed one over another). Here is my .jrxml, can anybody help me with this? [file name=rptMesecnaEvidencija.jrxml size=98622]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/rptMesecnaEvidencija.jrxml[/file]
  13. Hi,


    I have a very wide report (about 2000px) with over 50 columns, how can I print it on A4 (I export it as PDF)? For example, in landscape it consumes 3 A4 pages in width only for column headers, and when executed it goes 2 pages down (if you know what I mean), so it ends up with 6 pages (3x2). I haven't found a way to print it like that, is this printer-specific problem or is there some setting in iReport that I've overlooked? I found and read some other (older) threads but none of them had the solution for this. Any help is appriciated!




  14. I use the method described in my previous post, and never had that problem. I read in some other thread that someone had the same problem, and that it had something to do with subreport element properties Subreport Expression and Subreport Expression Class. In my case the class is java.lang.String, and the expression is $P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + "subReportName.jasper".
  15. Here is an example how you can do this (mini tutorial):


    If you have, for example, database tables Departments and Employees, and you want your report to list the departments (master) with all employees in that department (detail), first create the master report with query:


    SELECT d.deptName AS Name, d.id AS Id FROM Departments d


    and put Name in detail band. Next, create a detail report with this query:


    SELECT e.firstName AS FirstName, e.lastName AS LastName FROM Employees e WHERE e.deptId = $P{ID}


    and define a parameter named ID in that report (set Prompt to true). Create the FirstName and LastName fields on the report. On the master report create a subreport in a detail band, define a connection (select "Use the same connection...."), for the "ID" parameter expression select the field "Id" from master report, choose a subreport dir (I always use parameter based value, but than you must supply the master report with the correct value for SUBREPORT_DIR parameter). That should work!



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