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Everything posted by Pedja

  1. "(boolean expression) ? if true : if false" is the only if/then/else//case logic for the fields in ireport, it does get complicated and hard to maintain with the increase of possible outcomes, but you can get used to it. Also, you have standard Java operators (&&, ||, ==, !=, ....) that you can combine, and there are methods of individual classes (String.equals() for example). Once you start designing the report you will see what option (combination) you are most comfortable with, but I think you won't avoid boolean?true:false :)
  2. Try setting the Calculation Type for the variable to "System" and see if that helps.
  3. Leave the parameter as String, and set the TEXT FIELD to java.util.Date.
  4. Type it in manually, the combo box shows only built-in variables.
  5. Set all the bands that you do not use to 0px (like the Summary band, if not used), and see if anything changes.
  6. I don't have any experience with something like that, and if it is possible I don't know how to do it. Maybe you could store the file content as BLOB, but I don't know how you would format it for display after reading it from the database. You could download the file on the client machine, and then print it, if you include the files in your project content and adjust the relative path to them in the report hyperlink.
  7. I'm only speculating, but I think you would need some API for reading the rtf content, so you could manipulate with it, and pass it in report somehow (as a param or directly in xml, you have several options for this). But the best solution would be to keep the file content in your database, and read it as a field (of course, if this is a possibility in your case). The first way definitely needs plenty of work.
  8. As far as I know, you can't display the content of the file in your report. You could instead create a hyperlink to your file, and set it to point to the location read from your database.
  9. I used something like this where ((table.field1 = $P{MYPARAM}) or ($P{MYPARAM} is null)) this calculates to "table.field1 = $P{MYPARAM}" if you pass the param, or to "true" if you don't. Hope it helps!
  10. Add parameters "name" and "email" in your report, and in text fields put $P{name} and $P{email} as your Text Field Expressions.
  11. This should work: set the field to java.util.Date, Pattern to "dd/MM/yyyy", and Text Field Expression to (new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-dd-MM")).parse($P{END_DATE})
  12. Can you set the field to java.util.Date? Then set the Text Field Expression to new Date($P{END_DATE}), and Pattern to "dd/MM/yyyy". Or you can experiment with SimpleDateFormat class.
  13. Try setting the Position Type on the first subreport element to "Fix relative to top", and on second to "Float", and see if that helps.
  14. Great! I don't have much time right now to experiment with cyrillic encoding, but I will get to it as soon as I can! One other thing, I tried reading cyrillic values from the database, and Foxit displays them as it should with default settings (Font Name = SansSerif, PDF Font Name = Helvetica). I am using iText-2.0.7.jar.
  15. Options -> Disable Elements Mouse Move (Ctrl+M) Hope this helps! :)
  16. I didn't try with data fields, my cyrillic reports were all numeric, only statistic data were returned from the database so I didn't notice, sorry. Can anyone give us a working solution for this problem?
  17. Thanks for the Tahoma tip, it does work. I have the same problem, and there is at least dozen threads on this forum abuut this problem, and not one good answer. It would be nice if someone from the development team gave us the solution. However, I've tested my reports with Foxit and it displays Cyrillic as it should, with all fonts, but Adobe Reader is the problem.
  18. I don't know in which version this option is introduced, but in 2.0.1 the option is located in Edit -> Report properties -> tab "More...." -> and for option "When no data" select "No-data section". And the "No records found" text should go to noData band (View -> Bands -> set the noData band height, it is 0 by default).
  19. If you are using a variable to calculate the sum, try setting it's Calculation type to Report or System. You can also experiment with Increment type.
  20. You need to shrink some of your other bands, you can only expand bands to the total size of your document => or you can increase the size of your document.
  21. If your field length is always 16, you can use this "############"+$F{field}.substring(12) Maybe this can be done with Pattern property on the field, but I don't know how.
  22. In Edit -> Report properties set "When no data" to "No-data section", and put your static text in noData band.
  23. Use only !$V{PAGE_NUMBER}.equals("1"), or new Boolean(!$V{PAGE_NUMBER}.equals("1")) if you get an error like "Cannot cast from boolean to Boolean...."
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