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Everything posted by Henri25

  1. And why don't i see my lines in html. (see jrxml en html file) Post Edited by Henri Megens at 02/11/09 10:57
  2. Here's the jrxml file. (i have also some sub-reports with the same problem).
  3. No, that's not the solution i think. I have in pdf a static tekstfield "Percelen" but in html i don't see the word "percelen". I have more examples of this.
  4. Hi, I have a problem when i watn to convert my report to HTML. (in I report 3.0.0 i choose HTML preview). Something of my report is deleted when i convert my output to html. When i choose for pdf preview everything looks fine. But in HTML; there;s something wrong. Can anyone help me..please thisis a very important problem for me.??? Thanks in advance, Henri Megens GouwIT.
  5. Hi. It doesn't matter....Have you got any other ideas? I hope so..it's a very important problem for my. Thanks in advance, Henri Megens GouwIT THe Netherlands..... Here's my whole content of the startup.bat of i-report.@echo off set TMP_CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH% for %%i in (%0) do cd /d %%~dpi.. set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;.classes;.fonts; rem for %%i in ("%FLEX_SDK_HOME%lib*.jar") do call ".bincpappend.bat" %%i rem Add all jars.... for %%i in (".lib*.jar") do call ".bincpappend.bat" %%i for %%i in (".lib*.zip") do call ".bincpappend.bat" %%i set IREPORT_CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH% set CLASSPATH=%TMP_CLASSPATH% if not "%IREPORT_HOME%" == "" goto gotIReportHome set IREPORT_HOME=%CD% :gotIReportHome java -cp "%IREPORT_CLASSPATH%" -Direport.home="%IREPORT_HOME%" -Djava.security.policy="%IREPORT_HOME%/policy.all" -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.MainFrame %*
  6. Hi, I get the Out of Memory Java Heap space error, when i want to generate big reports (more dan 40.000 pages). I have used all options with the virtualizer, but i got still the error. Can anyone help me..it's a big problem for me.? Sincerely, Henri Megens GouwIT The Netherlands
  7. Hi All, I want to print the 3 pages report in 2 different papers, first one on letter head, second and third on noraml A4 size papers, anybody have any idea how can I pick papers from differnt trays. (the selection print first page from other tray in the printersettings doesn't work!) Please help with your ideas.
  8. Hi All, I want to print the 3 pages report in 2 different papers, first one on letter head, second and third on noraml A4 size papers, anybody have any idea how can I pick papers from differnt trays. (the selection print first page from other tray in the printersettings doesn't work!) Please help with your ideas.
  9. Hi All, I want to print the 3 pages report in 2 different papers, first one on letter head, second and third on noraml A4 size papers, anybody have any idea how can I pick papers from differnt trays. (the selection print first page from other tray in the printersettings doesn't work!) Please help with your ideas.
  10. Can you reset the pagenumbers in IReport. I have the following situation. I want to print a lot of pages, but page 1 and 2 must me one pair...so you put on paper page '1 of 2' (page1) and page 3 and page 4 must me one pair so you put on paper page 1 of 2 (page3) and not on page 1 of 4 (on page 1) Can someone help me??? Greetinx, Henri
  11. I have a problem with the random selection of the paper tray of my printer. Can i control the paper tray inside the IReport tool...and how must i do that??? I hope someone can help me.... Greetinx, Henri
  12. How can I use normal text en bold text in an textfield (or static text). I am searching yesterday whole day but i can't find anything. I use version 2.0.0. Can anyone help me, please????
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