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Everything posted by xkorakidis

  1. Hi there, I'm using the JasperServer Linux with Bundled MySQL version (community edition). I tried to discover how the reports are related to user roles => to users but didn't find anything. I noticed that the table JIObjectPermission is not connected with other tables like the JIResource. Is that possible to make a SQL query which gives me the reports each user and their rights (view, modify etc) on those reports? Furthermore, I noticed that there is a table namedJILogEvent which is empty. What is this table for? Is that possible to log the use of reports? It would be great if I could make a reports which shows what reports (with what parameters) each user has used last day (/week/month/year). Is that possible? Thanks in advance!
  2. Does the latest version of JasperServer support cascade controls? (PS. Don't know why, the message is shown in a code box, despite I write it in the "Message" section) Post Edited by xkorakidis at 05/14/2009 17:50
  3. I finally found a solution : $P{PARAM1}.toString().toString().replaceAll("[\\[\\]]", "") This makes smth like 1,2,4 when you select records with these ids. These numbers are returned as strings, so you need a function declared as myFunc(text[]) . You call the function this way: select field1, field2 from myFunc(string_to_array($P{PARAM2},',')) Inside function I use this code : myTable.myFieldId in (select ($1) from generate_series(1,array_upper($1, 1)) as s). I need to change that a little bit in order to add one more checkbox (code=0, label='All'), so as users to check it (and not one by one all checkboxes) when they want all records to be selected. Thanks for your help! Post Edited by xkorakidis at 05/11/2009 19:25
  4. @anandharaj thanks but I didn't succeed.. At the moment I tried to make the function using text or int[ ] parameters and used it the way you described. I want you to help me make clear the following (if possible) : 1. How must I declare the function in it's creation? (initially i delcared its input parameter as int [ ] and in its body I changed the array to collection; smth like "fieldX in array_to_collection($1)" 2. How must I use the parameter in the functions body? ("where fieldX in ....") 3. Given that passed values will be integers, is that replaceAll you suggested me, correct? 4. What if no checkbox list selection has been done (empty input list) ? Thanks! P.S. I red some discussions there (some of older discussions' suggested links where broken) but didn't succeed to make it clear what to do.
  5. Hi, I use jasperServer v.2.1 and postgresql I have a function which takes an array as parameter and want to do smth like select field1, field2, field3 from myFunc(array($P{selectionList})) Is that possible? I created a multiselectQuery(that with checkbox) input control on jasperserver named selectionList and tried to execute the report but I get errors ( java.io.NotSerializableException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRValidationFault at java.io.ObjectOutputStream.writeObject0(ObjectOutputStream.java:1081) ..... ) Any idea? The reason I use function is the fact that I want to keep the query of jasperReport simple (just select fields from and parameters), and have views and parameterised functions in postgresql. So I want to pass an array containing the selected values from a checkbox list, change that to set inside of function and use a 'where field in' in order to filter the result. I declared the parameter as java.util.Collection and tried to use the " new java.util.Collection()" as new value Thanks in advance!
  6. Hi, I have some problems with date fields and need some help: Two reports with different design, same sql (postgresql), sharing the same datasource connection (with timezone set to none), provide different dates. there is a field of birth date which is of type Java.Sql.Date and the field on report is Java.Util.Date (or both Java.Sql.TimeStamp with dd/mm/yy format). In one of the reports the date is ok, but the other shows the date decreased with one day. This problem is only on jasper Server, not on extracting from iReport Any idea? they share the same datasource! Thanks! Post Edited by Christos Korakidis at 02/16/09 18:24
  7. Hi, I need to use the same report for different users, filtered by a field value which depends on the logged in user. I think if I could get the userid & password of the logged in user, I could use the password in order to filter the query of the report and also use a different connection to the database, dedicated to each user logged in. Does anyone know how can I get userid & password and how can I change dynamically the jdbc connection of the report using the password value? I can provide users' only the records they need by using the password value to filter the report but I think using different database connections for each user would help me to keep statistics about each user's report usage. Thanks in advance!
  8. Hi! I have a parameterized report where users must select from two combo boxes: country, city. Is there any way, when user selects country, next combo box (single select input controls) to be filtered and show only the cities of selected country? Thanks!
  9. Hi, I'm trying to test some reports and I have some problems here... When I run the reports in iReport, everything is ok, but when I uplodad those in JasperServer and view those there... in html there are only column labels to view... If i export that in pdf, i can see some things and in some columns blanks or smth like only "! or . or ," columns contain. I exported reports in word and everything is ok there... Report results' language is greek but i don't thing this is the reason of the problem.. In one of the reports I see some columns (in greek too) and not some others. What may be wrong? Thanks!
  10. Thanks man! I did some changes but don't know how to change the top (that with jasper logo) and the bottom of the pages (that with copyright) Can I change those parts? Am I able to remove the copyright and type smth like "based on jaspersever 2.1 opensource distribution" ? Furthermore I need to change the "Login:" and "Password" messages, as well as button's caption. is that possible? I do know some things as far jsp is concerned but a few days before I started studying some things about spring framework. Thanks in advance!
  11. Hi, I have installed jasperServer 2.1 on ubuntu and am trying to change the layout of the welcome screen, as well as other screens. Is that easy to change the messages in login form, logos etc? Thanks.
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