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Everything posted by vk01

  1. Hi, some of the fields are returned with "null" values, is there a way to replace these? I searched the documentation for "replace" function but did not find one. Thank you.
  2. Hi, Looks like JasperReports can perform all the tasks that iReport has to offer, like designing, formatting, creating subreports, subtotals etc? Is this about right? Thanks for your input!
  3. Hi, Can we do this? What is the process? Many thanks for your time.
  4. Hi, One of the input parameters to a report is a list of values, which is supposed to list all the values as well as have an ALL option. Can we do this? Would the list of values have its own sql, which would be nothing but a select * from table order by col_name? Could we do this? Thanks. vani
  5. Hi, I have a sql to run this report. This runs reports. Now, I added a new field to this report, but i am unable to access this newly added field. I have refreshed the fields part of the document but this newly added field doesn't show up in the list. I have closed and opened iReport again but with no success. Thanks for your time.
  6. Planning to use the report template method. If we create the template, use it in a report. then we make some changes to template, would it be refreshed in the report automatically? Like maybe add some additional static information? Thanks! Post edited by: vanik01, at: 2007/10/22 13:12
  7. Hi, We have about 20 reports to roll-out. Would like the reports consistent with fonts through out. Is there a common include file that could be used for this purpose, so we can change this information in one place? thanks so much for your time!
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