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Everything posted by vk01

  1. Hi, We want to have a sub-reprot in the title part of the main report. Having some formatting issue, with space. It is adding some additional space into the title in addition to what was set in the subreport. why would there be so much space? thanks.
  2. Hi, I would like to alternate the rows with certain colors - is there an easy way to do this in iReport 2.0 thanks.
  3. hi, I have a type double and want to error check, so that if it is 0.0 then to display " " - just a blank spot. Thanks.
  4. thanks for speedy reply. I did try that - it comes back with "incompatible conditional operand types Double and int". i do have this set up as a variable. I am not using integers anywhere. Post edited by: vanik01, at: 2007/11/05 19:40
  5. Hi, we have to sum up values based on changing/reset group type. i have this condition, defined as string. At the end of the group it needs to sum up different $F{TYPE} values. ======== ($F{TYPE} == "Dam" ? $F{SUM_QTY} : " ") ======== I have tried to above, $F{SUM_QTY} is double, and it keeps erroring out there. any clues?
  6. AWESOME! Thanks, that really helped. One last thing - could this formatted for two digits? - it retrieves a value like - 1:9:38 for 4178 seconds value. need it show up like - 01:09:38 - Thanks again!
  7. Hi, When report is run in iReport, it retrieves the results, the rows of data. But when the same report is deployed into a web app. it doesn't retrieve any rows. any way to debug this? Many thanks.
  8. Hi, I have defined it a double, when i do try this calculation ======== (new java.lang.Double( ($V{TOTAL_PRETRIP}.doubleValue()) / 3600)) + ":" + (new java.lang.Double( (($V{TOTAL_PRETRIP}.doubleValue()) % 3600) / 60)) + ":" + (new java.lang.Double( (($V{TOTAL_PRETRIP}.doubleValue()) %60))) === it comes up with something like - 3152 seconds - 0.875555:52.5355555:32.0 how can we get something like - 00:52:32 thanks so much for your time.
  9. that is right - it would have to add up appropriately, just like in your example.
  10. Hi, field is returning seconds from the database and I need to convert this seconds number to hh:mm:ss format - hour:minutes:seconds. the field is a java.math.BigDecimal - like 3001 - need to convert this to hh:mm:ss (hour:minutes:seconds). any ideas to get started would be very helpful. Post edited by: vanik01, at: 2007/11/02 16:54
  11. Hi, I have calculations in the view which is used in the report. Now i would like to create a sum calculation on this field. The field is defined as "java.lang.string". how to create a sum cal on this? I tried changing the field to a BigDecimal and then tried a sum, still results in an error. the result looks like "00:01:31" - meaning like one minute 31 seconds. all the results are returned in this format. thanks for your time.
  12. hi, I have a variable which should be equal to one value at a given time: like if val1 != null var = val1 elseif val2 != null var = val2 elseif val3 != null var = val3 else var = " " end if I know at a given time there will be only one value otherwise a null value. How would we go about doing this? thanks.
  13. Thanks - this worked perfectly. But incase of a BigDecimal, how would we try to compare? It comes back with an error message? Thank you.
  14. Hi, How would we calculate the difference between 2 timestamp fields, like "end_datetime - start_Datetime". Also the difference between two float numbers? A straight forward - val2 - val1 is not working. It comes back with error message - operator undefined for 'java.lang.float'. Thanks.
  15. vk01

    Grand Total

    Hi, this report has a sub-total and then the final Grand total. Where would this information be displayed? I tried in the page footer and it does not look right, at the very end of the report. Thanks.
  16. Hi, Does this division work only for the integers? I need to use "division" for two BigDecimal values. Thanks!
  17. NEVER MIND! I did not have the length of textbox long enough to fit all - sorry about that!! Is there a way you could delete your post - so users don't spend time reading something like this?
  18. hi, I have these 3 variables set up - $F{CITY}+", "+$F{STATE}+", "+$F{ZIP} - for some reason the zip is not showing up on the report. If I display as a standalone field it shows up on the report. Is there a limit? thanks.
  19. Hi, I am interested in trying to create hyperlink reports using iReport. I have a master report, hyperlinked one of the fields in the master report and passing the primary_key along with this field, would like it to open the detail report. Can we do this? Any help would be much appreciated. Do we need JasperServer to create this? Thanks.
  20. Hi, I am interested in trying to create hyperlink reports using iReport. I have a master report, hyperlinked one of the fields in the master report and passing the primary_key along with this field, would like it to open the detail report. Can we do this? Any help would be much appreciated. Do we need JasperServer to create this? Thanks.
  21. Hi, I am interested in trying to create hyperlink reports using iReport. I have a master report, hyperlinked one of the fields in the master report and passing the primary_key along with this field, would like it to open the detail report. Can we do this? Any help would be much appreciated. Do we need JasperServer to create this? Thanks.
  22. Hi, I am interested in trying to create hyperlink reports using iReport. I have a master report, hyperlinked one of the fields in the master report and passing the primary_key along with this field, would like it to open the detail report. Can we do this? Any help would be much appreciated. Do we need JasperServer to create this? Thanks.
  23. hi - I was just through this process as well. First of all you need to use the forward slash. also these ".jasper" files are saved at the root of location where JasperSoft has been installed. Liek for me I had to use: "C:/Program Files/JasperSoft/iReport-2.0.2/report_name.jasper" Hope this helps!
  24. Hi, I have a master report(like a summary), need to add a hyperlink, which would be a primary_key which then would open the detail report(display all details), using the key that was passed from the master report. Is this possible? If yes, please, i need a few hints on how to get this going. Thanks so much for your time.
  25. Hi - were you able to find a way for this? If you have JasperServer version, then it appears you can use the input control with a single-select-query to set this. I am using iReports, do you think there is a way for this? Thanks.
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