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Everything posted by vk01

  1. Hope the above helped you - i couldn't make out the answer in writing but the image looked about right. you can create a groups for this report.
  2. Hope the above helped you - i couldn't make out the answer in writing but the image looked about right. you can create a groups for this report.
  3. Hope the above helped you - i couldn't make out the answer in writing but the image looked about right. you can create a groups for this report.
  4. why not try using the wizard to define the syntax - since you have a variable and a field?
  5. you can set up a parameter in your report. Pass the value from your java program something like this -- parameters.put("EmpID", empID); -- Make sure that you have the same parameter name defined in the report as you would in the java program. Then use this parameter in your report query -- select * from employees where empid=$P{EmpID}
  6. If it is straight forward query, you can define a parameter in the report in iReport. And pass that parameter into this report.
  7. Remember to un-check the "Transparent" property of the field.
  8. Hi, I have this static text on the summary band "there is no data to report" and this condition on that band -- new Boolean($V{PAGE_COUNT}.intValue()==0) -- When i run the report, the data shows up which has about 3 pages and also this message shows up at the end of the report. Any ideas? would any special characters play a role in this? Thank you.
  9. How about if the subreports are supposed to appear at the end of the main report? We have a main report and 5 subreports which is like a summary. Creating the dummy groups for bands would make these reports appear in the middle of the main report. any way around this. Right now all these subreports exist in the summary band.
  10. I have just done exactly this - and want to pass this to a subreport by adding as a subreport parameter. It is not showing this total number of pages, final count. any thing else that needs to be set? Thanks.
  11. Hi, The report displays as "2007-10-01" which i need it to show as "10/01/2007" - currently this is a variable with the following syntax - it was showing the time as well which was not required. It is set up as variable with datatype string: original date is - "2007-10-01 00:00:00" -- $P{END_DATE}.substring(0, $P{END_DATE}.indexOf(" ")) -- thanks.
  12. Hi, Is there a way we could apply this pre-defined parameter only to the footer part of the report, where we have a new Date() - which is getting the value in UTC time. We are already getting the data in appropriate timezones and using the REPORT_TIME_ZONE for already set data is getting incorrect timestamped data. Or we have to pass in a parameter with pre-defined timestamp and use this in the footer? Thanks.
  13. yes - I am able to run other reports correctly. We are setting the REPORT_TIME_ZONE parameter on a java servlet page which then calls this report.
  14. Hi, where would you set this on the iReports? Thanks.
  15. Hi, When I run a report from my pc, the timestamps are corrected, as queried in database. But when i run the same report from a development server, the timestamps are off by 13 hours, the minutes and seconds reported are corrected, just the hours. Any clues or ideas very much appreciated. Totally lost at this point as to how to debug this issue. Thanks a lot for your time.
  16. Hi, where are the default font sizes and font type specified when a report is opened using XLS? For some reason it opens at a font-size 12 and hence some of the column names are being chopped off. IF this is changed to font-size 8 then the complete field name appears. Thanks.
  17. Thank you for looking at this, atleast! We solved this issue by replacing the space in the URL using a replace function -- replace($P{START_DATE}, '%20', ' ') -- We are replacing the '%20' in the url with a space. Post edited by: vk01, at: 2008/01/07 14:48
  18. Hello, I had a question on the ireport defined parameter REPORT_TIME_ZONE - since we have users in multiple timezones, we are passing this parameter into iReport, which works great with the main report. But it doesn't appear to be working for the subreport. If current timezone is set to the "America/New York", this works fine in the main report but the subreport shows up with footer time details as being 5 hours off, which is the default timezone if one is not set. Do we need to pass a parameter to the subreport? Thanks!
  19. Hello, Everything worked fine will we decided that time also was need as part of date parameter. Instead of "2007-12-01" now we have "2007-12-01 00:00:00". Once time has been added, subreport is not working. It creates the url as --- http://....../servlet?reportName=subreporttest&START_DATE=2007-08-07%2000:00:01&END_DATE=2007-08-07%2023:59:59 -- If i remove the time and run, report runs fine but i need to time to run reports for THAT day. Is there some way to overcome this? I have tried setting the date parameters inside a single quote. Any ideas, appreciated. thanks.
  20. Hi, We are using a java servlet to set and pass all the report parameters. We are trying to set the user TIME_ZONE as well, trying to set it as java.util.Timezone datatype - but when trying to equate to the database value - since the database value is stored as a string i.e. "America/New_York" - it is not working comes back with error message, since database value is a string and REPORT_TIME_ZONE is a java.util.timezone type. Please have any suggestions?
  21. vk01

    Time zones

    Hi, We have a web application, through which we run our reports. Is there a way to pass the timezone variable to reports, so that it would display the footer time details as per the timezone the user is set to? Currently it is set to default timezone, and it is off by 5 hours as per EST. Does the default value mean the UTC timezone? == update: Can we use the REPORT_TIME_ZONE variable, to set it to what the user is defined. Would the report automatically know this or do we have to set this parameter in the footer - right now it is a "java.util.Date" with syntax - new Date() - is something missing here? Thanks. Post edited by: vk01, at: 2007/12/04 17:30
  22. Hi, I have a rectangle element in report upon which i have some database fields. This rectangle area has grey colored background, which appears in pdf but no HTML. I made sure that the elements are aligned and not very close to each other? Thanks. vani
  23. Hi, We have a web application, where the user selects the report to run which displays the Jasper Report directly. Is there an area in iReport where we could enter some information about the report description? Thanks.
  24. Is there a way to just show only the static text and not all the details?
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