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  1. Can you provide me a sample example to execute this. Your help in this regard is highly appreciable. DARMA
  2. Dynamic Data Generation in Jasper Report I am new to Jasper Report. I am currently using Jasper Report v. 1.2.7 I wanted to generate the report dynamically:- For example I wanted to show the following information in my report. <br> 1. Name: ram age : 20 working: yes company name: xxx and co salaried: yes salary: rs. 20000 2. name: kumar age: 10 working: no 3. name: latha age: 50 working: yes company name: xxx and co salaried: no The number of line in each section may vary depending upon the data(information). How do I generate these kind of dynamic data. From my java passing the values to Jasper Report in Hashmap. Please help. - DARMA
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