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Everything posted by sam24and48

  1. Hi, I was wondering if it was possible, especially with scheduled reports with date inputs, to set it to look back a certain amount of months or days from the current date and set that in the date input. For example one of our systems here lets you schedule a date like this -3/dd/yyyy which is interpreted as 3 months previous to the current date. Is this possible with jasperserver? I have a few reports that people would like to schedule in such a way that it looks back 1, 2, or 3 months from the date it was run or the beginning of the month. I know this could be hardcoded in the reports but I really would not like to do this for the many reports that people run. Hopefully this all makes sense and thanks in advance for your help. Feel free to ask any questions.
  2. I know this question has been asked before in the forums, but I could not find an answer. I am using jasper server 3.0.0 and we are looking to use this to do some sales analysis. We have a fairly large product database and the salesmen would like to be able to see trends between some of the products over months, years, etc... in the analysis views (mondrian) Is there a way to let them insert one or more items in a prompt like what the jasper reports already do in jasper server? If not do you have a better suggestion on how to allow them to display products and pick from a few because currently there are too many and it gives errors about not having enough room to show them (whether in the jpivot area or where you can select your filter. I have also increased the limit of items that can be returned already and still no luck) Any help that I can get on this would be great.
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