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Everything posted by soma

  1. Hi, I have 3 reports using JRDataSourceProvider as DataSource and they are working fine when I execute them individually. As per design, I need to call these reports from a Master report but when I do that, I am getting an empty report. Master report also use the same datasoure and it returns some records. For parameter "Connection/DataSourceExpression" I am passing $P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}. Need some help on resolving this? I am using iReport 1.3.3 to create these reports. Note:- I have few other reports working fine. The only difference is they all are using Database JDBC Connection.
  2. Hi, Thanks for the reply, I was able to add the date but when I move my $V{adddate} to pramenter $P{newDate}, I am getting null value inside newDate. I am using the Default Parameter Expression box to move the adddate to newDate. Regards Soma
  3. Hi , I am using java.util.Date. At what point I call the java methods? is it possible to give me a sample call format? Regards Soma
  4. Hi, I am a new user in iReport and have a requirement to add days to date value passed by the user. Then do a sql query based on the new date. Can someone tell me how can I do this? I am using iReport 1.3.3 and MySQL. Regards Soma
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