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Everything posted by yellowboy

  1. Hi,every body! now i use ireporter to design some report for pdf file. in the last one month ,everything goes well. but now, i was driving cryz by a litte problem. that is: i want to display a value on the pagefooter band. then,i make a field object ,put it on the pagefooter. and i set the value from a javabean. but this field never work. aslo a var object. if i put this field on the pageheader ,it's goes well. Is there any possible to display my own value on the page footer ? it's 0 o'clock in China. hope some one can help me. thanks a lot ! Post edited by: yellowboy, at: 2007/09/19 16:53
  2. thanks,my project will take about 3 month. so,I'll take some time to dig iReport. hope we will have a good time here.
  3. now i have a new progress: set the lastpagefooter band high to 0 , then the pagefooter can be displayed.
  4. Hi, It's my first time to use a iReport. Now I got a strange thing. I build a new document in iReport 1.3.3. then I put a text "hello world"on the title band. an other text "end" on the pagefooter band. Look,it's very simple. but,running it,On pdf file ,i only see "hello world " text. the text on the pagefooter is never displayed. Why? help me please.
  5. Thank you very much! That's great. My project is web based.In some jsp page,i need make a pdf file with the data the user need. So,I'm going to do : Make a .jrxml/.jasper file with iReport and it's dataSource is java bean. Writting some java classes running under Jboss 3.2.2 ,class A get data from Oracle,Class B put it into java bean. then Class C call JasperReprots' class(which i still not know yet:P) to make out a pdf file and show it to user. DONE! so what you think? I'm in China,so my English is not good.Hope you understand what i mean. Post edited by: yellowboy, at: 2007/07/18 09:07
  6. hello every body! i'm beginning to use iReport form now. At first i want to use iReport 2.0. But my project is only run under jdk 1.4 So i turn to iReport 1.3.3. but I still not sure about one thing: Can iReport 1.3.3 run under JBOSS 3.2.2 ? Any body can tall me? thanks a lot!
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