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Everything posted by sphoid

  1. Strange. Unfortunately I cannot use the report wizard because I am using an xml data source. Might give us an idea of where to look for the problem though.
  2. I don't think it's the same problem as when you look at the jrxml. All of the pagefooter markup is clearly in place. Maybe something is happening during the compilation process to the jasper format. Btw, how do you tell which version of iReport that bug applies to? I appreciate all the effort in looking into this. I generally don't post to forums unless I'm completely stumped.
  3. That doesn't appear to be it. Foreground color is black, background is white. Tried with different foreground colors. Tried with transparent value toggled on and off. Were you able to duplicate the problem? I should note I've duplicated it on both windows and linux as well.
  4. Here is the sample datasource [file name=labor_report.xml size=2110]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/labor_report.xml[/file]
  5. I am going to attach the jrxml file as well as the xml datasource [file name=labor_report.jrxml size=14698]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/labor_report.jrxml[/file]
  6. Yes this is very troubling and makes no sense. I'm half thinking it's some kind of bug. I left the font at whatever the default for iReport is. BTW, I duplicated this problem using both iReport 1.2.8 and 2.0. It was set to San Serif, I tried Arial, but neither one shows.
  7. Is there anything in the band's 'Print when expression'? Nope Have you double checked the source? I don't see anything out of place Are any options enabled that would not allow this (Blank When null, etc) Nope Have you tried using the summary or other bands near the bottom? Yes, Nothing below detail will display anything on the generated report. Very strange indeed.... It's possible i could be have missed something in the jrxml. Let me post the relevant portions of it: Code: <pageFooter> <band height="30" isSplitAllowed="true" > <staticText> <reportElement x="1" y="0" width="173" height="24" key="staticText-8"/> <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/> <textElement> <font size="8"/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[Labor Report]]></text> </staticText> <line direction="TopDown"> <reportElement x="1" y="0" width="551" height="0" key="line-4"/> <graphicElement stretchType="NoStretch"/> </line> </band> </pageFooter>
  8. I have a fully functional report (ie Shows title, shows group headers and details just fine, but none of the footer bands (ie pageFooter, lastpageFooter, or summary) get displayed on any of the output formats (ie jrviewer, pdf, etc). To test I am simply putting static text in the page footer. The pageFooter band has a height of 30 and the font size is 8 or 10. What gives?
  9. I have made this whole problem moot. After taking a couple days off to work on another project and take my mind off this one, I came back with a fresh perspective and completely re-thought this out. I was able to completely do away with all the subreport nesting and create the report i needed all in one report. Thanks alot for your patience and assistance.
  10. It might help alot if i simplify this as I can actually isolate my problem to the first subreport (B ). To date I have been unsuccessfuly in defining a variable in this subreport that can sum up all of the hours for each Employee group. For example, forget the fact that I would like to return this variable to a master report, let's say I would like to display it in the subreport summary, for example: Code: Employee 1 Total Hours: 8.00 7/1/07 Task 1 4.00 7/2/07 Task 2 4.00 Employee 2 Total Hours: 5.00 7/1/07 Task 3 3.00 7/2/07 Task 4 2.00 All Employee Hours: 13.00 How would i define the variable to display all employee hours (ie, calculation type, expression, evaluation time)? If i can get this right, it should be no problem to pass it up to the master report.
  11. Setting the evaluation time to "report" results in LABOR_CATEGORY_TOTAL_HOURS being set to the total returned from the very last labor category, so it appears like: Code: ENGINEERING Total Hours: 4.00 Sample User Total Hours: 2.00 7/1/07 Some Task 1.00 7/2/07 Another Task 1.00 John Doe Total Hours: 10.00 7/1/07 Tedious Task 3.00 7/2/07 Another task 4.00 7/3/07 A third task 3.00 ADMINISTRATION Total Hours: 4.00 Sample User Total Hours 4.00 7/4/07 Administrative task 2.00 7/5/07 Another Admin task 2.00 I would very much like to avoid the use of scriptlets in order to keep down the complexity, and I know this should be possible without them. Post edited by: sphoid, at: 2007/07/18 20:50
  12. The category name is actually pulled from another field: $F{LABOR_CATEGORY_NAME} The total hours in the labor category header has an expression of: $V{LABOR_CATEGORY_TOTAL_HOURS} Now this is not actually part of the group expression, do you think that might be my problem. I actually added the total hours field after the fact as it's own textfield. This excerpt from the jrxml of the master (A) might explain better than me: Code: <group name="LaborCategory" > <groupExpression> <![CDATA[$F{LABOR_CATEGORY_NAME}]]> </groupExpression> <groupHeader> <band height="15" isSplitAllowed="true" > .....snip...... <textField isStretchWithOverflow="false" pattern="##0.00" isBlankWhenNull="false" evaluationTime="Group" evaluationGroup="LaborCategory" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self" > .....snip...... <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.Float"> <![CDATA[$V{LABOR_CATEGORY_TOTAL_HOURS}]]> </textFieldExpression> </textField> .....snip...... <text><![CDATA[Total Hours: ]]></text> </staticText> </band> </groupHeader>
  13. Hello, I've been scouring this forum for the last 3 days to find a solution to my problem. I've reviewed many of the threads dealing with return values from subreports and have experimented with the suggestions but none have netted me the results i'm looking for. I have a master report (A) containing a subreport (B ) which contains another subreport ©. C has a variable i've defined called TOTAL_HOURS which has calculation type of "sum" and an expression of $F{HOURS}. In B, there is a destination variable EMPLOYEE_TOTAL_HOURS which is the target for the subreport return variable TOTAL_HOURS with a calculation type of "nothing". EMPLOYEE_TOTAL_HOURS is displayed in a grouping header and has an evaluation time of group In A, there is a destination variable LABOR_CATEGORY_TOTAL_HOURS which is the target for the subreport return variable EMPLOYEE_TOTAL_HOURS with a calculation type of "sum". LABOR_CATEGORY_TOTAL_HOURS is displayed in a grouping header and has an evaluation time of group. Here is an example of the output of my report: Code:ENGINEERING Total Hours: 10.00 Sample User Total Hours: 2.00 7/1/07 Some Task 1.00 7/2/07 Another Task 1.00 John Doe Total Hours: 10.00 7/1/07 Tedious Task 3.00 7/2/07 Another task 4.00 7/3/07 A third task 3.00 As you can see, it only grabs the last value from EMPLOYEE_TOTAL_HOURS. It should look like this: Code:[code]ENGINEERING Total Hours: 12.00 Sample User Total Hours: 2.00 7/1/07 Some Task 1.00 7/2/07 Another Task 1.00 John Doe Total Hours: 10.00 7/1/07 Tedious Task 3.00 7/2/07 Another task 4.00 7/3/07 A third task 3.00 I can post my jrxml files on request but I'm hoping it's something simple that i'm overlooking.
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