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  1. Hi all, First of all excuse me for my poor english... I have a problem with my report that is composed by a master report and a subreport. The subreport is in the detail band and has to be printed only once at the end, so i have specified a "printWhenExpression". The report is printed correctly but i find an annoying white band at the top of the report in the first page (and only there), due to all the times that my subreport was not printed. The "isRemoveLineWhenBlank" is setted to "true" Is there any clue? If it could be helpful i can attach the source of my report Thanks to all that will answer
  2. Hi all, First of all excuse me for my poor english... I have a problem with my report that is composed by a master report and a subreport. The subreport is in the detail band and has to be printed only once at the end, so i have specified a "printWhenExpression". The report is printed correctly but i find an annoying white band at the top of the report in the first page (and only there), due to all the times that my subreport was not printed. The "isRemoveLineWhenBlank" is setted to "true" Is there any clue? If it could be helpful i can attach the source of my report Thanks to all that will answer Post edited by: Shagrat, at: 2007/09/26 12:45
  3. Hi all, First of all excuse me for my poor english... I have a problem with my report that is composed by a master report and a subreport. The subreport is in the detail band and has to be printed only once at the end, so i have specified a "printWhenExpression". The report is printed correctly but i find an annoying white band at the top of the report in the first page (and only there), due to all the times that my subreport was not printed. The "isRemoveLineWhenBlank" is setted to "true" Is there any clue? If it could be helpful i can attach the source of my report Thanks to all that will answer
  4. Sorry for the late answer but I were on holiday. I'll try this solution, thanks a lot! Marco
  5. Hi, I'm new to iReport and Jasper reports, so I need your help :P . I have a main report with some subreports, i need something like a global variable in my main report that can be modified in the subreports when they are called (not when the sub-report exits, the return value of the subreport isn't what i need). Does anyone knows if is possible to do something like that? Regards and thanks for your help Marco
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