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swetha reddy

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Everything posted by swetha reddy

  1. Please let me know in detail how to do this. As we have places main and subreports in the same folder will in not fetch if we provider just the name of the subreport
  2. Hi, I have subreports in my main report. I have specified the full path for subreports, and the subreport is coming up properly but if i want this code to be submitted to the client, i cannot give the path like c:jasper.... as it will not find that path on the client machine. Can you tell me the generic path that i have to give to my subreport. My main report and subreport are in the same folder Please help me out in this as it is very urgent.
  3. Hi, In my report i have change the static text and text fields font color dynamically. In a row i have to compare two field values and if they are different then i have to change the font color of those fields. For Ex: I have attached a image. In that image i have pasted a row. If the values that are shown are different then the Static text (Procedure Code) and the values should be in red. Thanks,
  4. Hi, I have 4 subreports in my main report. Each subreport contains records that may vary in number. I have placed these 4 subreports one below the other. How can i dynamically resize my subreports so that the other subreports should not get overlapped and the subreports should come below one another Please help me out with this. Thanks,
  5. Hi , I have a domain object in the master report. I have list of objects in this domain object , now i want to print this list of objects in the subreport. How can i pass the list(java.util.List) from main report to subreport Please help me out from this as this is very urgent. Thanks,
  6. Hi, I have my subreport and master report in the same folder In the subreport expression i have given <subreportExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["./AdjustmentClaimCompareReport_subreport1.jasper"]]></subreportExpression> still iam getting as not able to load the file.
  7. hi, I have created a subreport in a master report when i am trying to access the main report iam getting exceptions like net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Could not load object from location : .//AdjustmentClaimCompareReport_subreport1.jrxml at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRLoader.loadObjectFromLocation(JRLoader.java:258) Please help me out i am new to this ireports and its very urgent. Thanks,
  8. Hi, I have an object which contains list of other objects Ex; Claim.ClaimLocations. Claim is my object and it has list of ClaimLocations. I want to print these list of claim locations objects using ireport. I can pass only the claim object as i have to print the fields in claim and claim locations list How can i iterate and print these objects. Please help me regarding this. Post edited by: swetha reddy, at: 2007/07/11 04:15
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