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Everything posted by FlexTech

  1. Hi, Do you still have the problem and did you find a solution for it ? Because I am in the same situation. Can you help me? Many thanks in advance,
  2. Finally i am happy to find someone who gives an right explanation how to use multiple Datasources an Ireport. Thank you very much...this is great.
  3. The solution was easy. You have to add a page break in your report and use the "print expression when" adding a parameter whish will be set to true or false. Be aware to use the version 1.2.9
  4. Please Help me... Can someone help or guide me to a solution or explanation. Many thanks a lot. Vic
  5. Hi to all, I am quite new with Jasperreport. Can you please help me with a little problem exporting my report into PDF with page breaks or not . So I saw there is a parameter"IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION" wish can be set to TRUE or FALSE. The problem is when i set it to false i get my result with 80 pages wiht page breaks(remarks: I group my element people and start a new page for it). But when i set "IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION" to TRUE, I got a blank page My second parameter works fine. Here is my code : HashMap hm =new HashMap(); hm.put("IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION",Boolean.TRUE);hm.put("Test","My name"); JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.fillReport("people_details.jasper",hm,cxt); JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile (print, "./pdf/people_details"+".pdf"); Thanks a lot for your help. :-)) Post edited by: FlexTech, at: 2007/08/11 09:21 Post edited by: FlexTech, at: 2007/08/11 09:22
  6. Hello, I'm trying to generate a report in CSV but the symbol € does not appears and i have a ? instead. This expression does not work: Code:" €"«»): (new String("0,00 €"«»)) i already try this: Code:[code]" U20AC"«»): (new String("0,00 u20AC"«»)) but not working. Thanks for your help.
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