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Everything posted by rKT

  1. I´m facing the same problem, do you fix it ? When you say method setMarkup(), where you call this method ? In iReport or when you are generating the report in your application ? Tnx Rodrigo Kerkhoff
  2. Hi folks... I´m trying to generate a pdf file containing rtf data (that contains tags like <b></b>, <i></i>, etc...). When i open the generated PDF file using JasperViewer, the text is printed correctly formated. But when I open the PDF file in the Acrobat Reader, the rtf text becames with no fotmat, it seem like the user write the text with no formats... Searching on Acrobat Reader I found that the "TAGGED PDF" attribute on the generated PDF file, is set to "NO", and I think that this is the problem... Anyone here know how can I set this attribute on iReport ? Thanks in advance ! Rodrigo Kerkhoff
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