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  1. Hi Atanu, I am also facing the similar problem like your issue #1 with JasperReport and couldn't find out any solution. So I posted here for help. But the interesting thing is no one here bothers to reply to your queries nor even they say whether this is the present limitation of JasperReport. This is pathetic!! Here is my post: http://www.jasperforge.org/index.php?option=com_joomlaboard&Itemid=215&func=view&catid=8&id=32050#32050 You will even find another person in my post who has also faced similar issue but didn't get any solution. Regards Santanu
  2. Hi, I am using JasperReport to export an HTML form into a printable format. Now this form has text areas that will be filled up with free text (max size 10K chars). What I am observing is: as the no. of pages exceeds 6 in the exported report the lower portion of the report data is getting truncated. I mean to say they are not showing up in the report and the no. of pages are also not getting increased from 6. So my questions are - 1. Is there any limit to the maximum no. of pages that JasperReport can generate? 2. Is there any limit to the max no. of chars that any field can contain in a report? 3. Does JasperReport support free text? because as the fields are fill up with large text the alignment of other fields are getting messed up. Btw I am exporting the report both in HTML and PDF format. Thanks in advance. Regards Santanu
  3. Hi, I have created a master and sub report, and I want my subreport to appear at a particular location in the master report (the area where I have put the subreport element in the main report). However when I am viewing the report as HTML or PDF, the subreport data is appearing after all the fields of main report has been painted. Please suggest me how to fix up the subreport at my desired position in the main report. I am attaching both the .jrxml files here. Thanks in advance. Regards Santanu [file name=report-553dd2105777091c0db01841092822f8.zip size=5458]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/report-553dd2105777091c0db01841092822f8.zip[/file]
  4. Hi, Thanks for your support. I found that in my report the elements were overlapping. Once I remove it the labels are coming up perfectly in HTMl format report also. In that case I think it is difficult to build a complex report in HTML format, because many elements may overlap in such a case. Thanks again. Santanu
  5. Hi, I have designed a report with iReport v2.0.0 and getting it printed through my Java class. However, when I am exporting the report in HTML format (page by page) the field labels are not showing up, but in PDF format or with JasperViewer the labels are printed perfectly. I am attaching the jrxml file and the exported pdf and html files. Please help me to sort out the problem. I need to publish a report from my web application which the user can access page by page. Hence this functionality is required. Thanks and regards Santanu [file name=Employee_Bean.zip size=7277]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/Employee_Bean.zip[/file]
  6. Hi, I am new to JasperReport and am using iReport for designing and previewing my reports. I have coded a custom datasource to populate my report from a JavaBean object. I have developed a DataSourceFactory and mentioned the factory method in the Connection/ Datasources configuration tab. Also I have set the custom datasource as the active connection. However when I am executing the report the JRViewer preview is showing "null" for the data values. Moreover any change that I am doing in my code is not getting reflected in my report. For example to test this I am intentionally throwing an Exception as the first line of my factory method, but no Exception has been reported by iReport. The same report with "null" for the data values are coming up. Please help me to solve this problem. Thanks and regards Santanu [file name=JasperExample.zip size=19490]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/JasperExample.zip[/file]
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