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Everything posted by JoergSch

  1. Hi sanbez. Yes, $F{cnt_benennung}.intValue() counts "zeile", it's a bit confusing description, but the definition is correct: count(/position/posdaten/benennung/zeile)If I print out the value of $F{cnt_benennung}.intValue() I got a "4" as expected. So I hoped, to get only the rows of the second node "benennung"Rows 1 and 2 shouldn't be found but skipped. But sorry, there was a copy'n'paste Error... the XPath ends with .../zeile[position()>2]For more Details: I got this report and I couldn't change, only extend the XML in this way... otherwise I would have inserted more "zeile" at the right place. But the question is the same: Why the count find more then 2 rows, but the subreport not? Thanks for your support! Jörg
  2. Hello. I got a XML file like this: <positionen> <position aufpos="10" seblpos="0"> <posdaten isTextpos="0"> <identnr>1206030100</identnr> <benennung lang_ext="de_de"> <zeile format="ascii">Row 1</zeile> <zeile format="ascii">Row 2</zeile> </benennung> <benennung lang_ext="de_de"> <zeile format="ascii">Row 3</zeile> <zeile format="ascii">Row 4</zeile> </benennung>...[/code]The XPath of the Subreport is ((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).subDataSource("/position/posdaten/benennung/zeile[position()>4]")[/code]But id does not 'find' the "Row 3" and "Row 4"...? There's also a "Print when" for the subreport: new Boolean ($F{cnt_benennung}.intValue() > 2)[/code]And if I print out $F{cnt_benennung}.intValue() it displays correct a "4" So how can I solve this to get Row 3 and 4 in the subreport? Thanks for your help, Jörg
  3. No, only the correct Data. To explain: For Example the "To Adress" is not on both pages, only on the second! Then a couple of lines are on page one and the next one is on page two again... :( In the report everything is in the band TITLE.
  4. Hi, our Softwaresupplier shift the blame for this on JasperReports. The Reason should be the Prescribe-Code on the first Site! We're asked to use Prescribe only from page two on!? :ohmy: So, is this a bug of Jasper or a bug our supplier has to solve? Thanks, Joerg
  5. Hello, in iReport everything looks good, but when I print it, the first Page is allocated on two sites? I mean, the different fields and subreports are allocated on two pages. Imagine you put the two sites together, hold it against the light, and everything is in place!? :( I've tried to find a differnce between the fields on page one and two, but I can't find one - accept the xy-coordinates. So, any idea, what happend and what I can do to get this one page on one page? Thanks, Joerg
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