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  1. hi i'm generating reports using ireport and jasperreports..the data is generated from a mysql database. My problem is html special symbols like € is save in the database, i dont know how the jasperreports will interpret html special symbols? how will it be displayed properly in the printouts instead of € it dhould be the euro symbol..please help me..thanks in advance..
  2. hi i have a sql statement that query data from MySQL database..this is executed in my ireport program for jasperreport generation..here is my sql statement.. SELECT tblscipub.`PubDate` AS tblscipub_pubdate, GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(tblscipub.`Article`,', ',tblscipub.`CoAuthor`,', ', tblscipub.`Publication`,' ', tblscipub.`PubDate`,' ', tblscipub.`VolNo`, tblscipub.`IssueNo`,tblscipub.`Pagination`) SEPARATOR '; ') AS tblscipub_pub FROM `tblscipub` tblscipub WHERE tblscipub.`SCI_ID` = $P{SCI_ID} GROUP BY tblscipub.`Article` ORDER BY tblscipub.`PubDate` DESC I used concat function to combined the fields from the table. what i want is for the publication to be italize. is there a function in MySQL sql statement to italize certain values returned by the query Concat function? or is there a way to do this in iReport? thanks in advance for your help
  3. hi i have a sql statement that query data from MySQL database..this is executed in my ireport program for jasperreport generation..here is my sql statement.. SELECT tblscipub.`PubDate` AS tblscipub_pubdate, GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(tblscipub.`Article`,', ',tblscipub.`CoAuthor`,', ', tblscipub.`Publication`,' ', tblscipub.`PubDate`,' ', tblscipub.`VolNo`, tblscipub.`IssueNo`,tblscipub.`Pagination`) SEPARATOR '; ') AS tblscipub_pub FROM `tblscipub` tblscipub WHERE tblscipub.`SCI_ID` = $P{SCI_ID} GROUP BY tblscipub.`Article` ORDER BY tblscipub.`PubDate` DESC I used concat function to combined the fields from the table. what i want is for the publication to be italize. is there a function in MySQL sql statement to italize certain values returned by the query Concat function? or is there a way to do this in iReport? thanks in advance for your help
  4. I designed JasperReports using IReports.. my problem is one of data from a field in the database was trucated. It seems that JasperReports is truncating the field value when it reached to more than 1024 characters. What should i do to solve this truncation problem? I already set to true the Stretch with overflow property. thanks in advance for your help
  5. hi i got this error when i try to generate a report in jasperreport.. here is the error: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:4: package net.sf.jasperreports.engine does not exist import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:5: package net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill does not exist import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.*; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:13: package net.sf.jasperreports.engine does not exist import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:15: package net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data does not exist import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.*; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:21: cannot find symbol symbol: class JREvaluator public class classic_1181546520170_298966 extends JREvaluator ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:28: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_LOCALE = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:29: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_TIME_ZONE = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:30: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_VIRTUALIZER = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:31: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_SCRIPTLET = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:32: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:33: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_CONNECTION = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:34: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_CLASS_LOADER = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:35: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_DATA_SOURCE = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:36: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_URL_HANDLER_FACTORY = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:37: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:38: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_FORMAT_FACTORY = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:39: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_MAX_COUNT = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:40: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:41: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillField location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillField field_field451 = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:42: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillVariable location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillVariable variable_PAGE_NUMBER = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:43: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillVariable location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillVariable variable_COLUMN_NUMBER = null; ^ here is my source code: Code:import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager; import eis.model.HRStat; import java.util.ArrayList; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperExportManager; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport; /** * * @author Administrator */ public class eis_hr_002 extends eisSupport{ //basic List - it will serve as our dataSource later on /** * Creates a new instance of eis_hr_002 */ ArrayList myList; public eis_hr_002() { } public String execute() throws Exception { HrmisBean hrmisbean=new HrmisBean(); myList=hrmisbean.queryWS("2004-01-01","2007-12-01"«»); JasperReport jasperReport; JasperPrint jasperPrint; String mypath="/opt/SDK/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-modules/" + "mypezaeis/apps/reports/"; /* * Here we compile our xml jasper template to a jasper file. * Note: this isn't exactly considered 'good practice'. * You should either use precompiled jasper files (.jasper) or provide some kind of check * to make sure you're not compiling the file on every request. * If you don't have to compile the report, you just setup your data source (eg. a List) */ try { jasperReport=JasperCompileManager.compileReport(mypath+"formats/hrmis1.jrxml"«»); jasperPrint=JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, new HashMap()); JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint,mypath+"eis_hr_002.pdf"«»); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return ERROR; } //if all goes well .. return SUCCESS; } } please help me..thanks in advance for your help
  6. hi i got this error when i try to generate a report in jasperreport.. here is the error: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:4: package net.sf.jasperreports.engine does not exist import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:5: package net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill does not exist import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.*; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:13: package net.sf.jasperreports.engine does not exist import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:15: package net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data does not exist import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.*; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:21: cannot find symbol symbol: class JREvaluator public class classic_1181546520170_298966 extends JREvaluator ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:28: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_LOCALE = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:29: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_TIME_ZONE = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:30: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_VIRTUALIZER = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:31: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_SCRIPTLET = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:32: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:33: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_CONNECTION = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:34: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_CLASS_LOADER = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:35: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_DATA_SOURCE = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:36: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_URL_HANDLER_FACTORY = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:37: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:38: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_FORMAT_FACTORY = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:39: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_MAX_COUNT = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:40: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillParameter location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillParameter parameter_REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:41: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillField location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillField field_field451 = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:42: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillVariable location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillVariable variable_PAGE_NUMBER = null; ^ /opt/SDK/domains/domain1/config/classic_1181546520170_298966.java:43: cannot find symbol symbol : class JRFillVariable location: class classic_1181546520170_298966 private JRFillVariable variable_COLUMN_NUMBER = null; ^ here is my source code: Code:import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager; import eis.model.HRStat; import java.util.ArrayList; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperExportManager; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport; /** * * @author Administrator */ public class eis_hr_002 extends eisSupport{ //basic List - it will serve as our dataSource later on /** * Creates a new instance of eis_hr_002 */ ArrayList myList; public eis_hr_002() { } public String execute() throws Exception { HrmisBean hrmisbean=new HrmisBean(); myList=hrmisbean.queryWS("2004-01-01","2007-12-01"«»); JasperReport jasperReport; JasperPrint jasperPrint; String mypath="/opt/SDK/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-modules/" + "mypezaeis/apps/reports/"; /* * Here we compile our xml jasper template to a jasper file. * Note: this isn't exactly considered 'good practice'. * You should either use precompiled jasper files (.jasper) or provide some kind of check * to make sure you're not compiling the file on every request. * If you don't have to compile the report, you just setup your data source (eg. a List) */ try { jasperReport=JasperCompileManager.compileReport(mypath+"formats/hrmis1.jrxml"«»); jasperPrint=JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, new HashMap()); JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint,mypath+"eis_hr_002.pdf"«»); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return ERROR; } //if all goes well .. return SUCCESS; } } please help me..thanks in advance for your help
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