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Posts posted by Gustaf

  1. thing is you can arrange the amount of columns horizontally, but are you also able to control the amount of rows within a band? Eg if I want 2 rows with 4 columns in each. Or does the iReport tool automatically continue on the next row after the first? If you have an answer please gimme a hollor :):)
  2. Hi,


    Is there any way to be in charge of the text direction / orientation in iReports?


    The way I see it you will always have to know the amount of labels you want to use horizontally,

    but what if you want to make a list of textfields -(from left to right in detail or columnheader for instance) under

    runtime - determined by the amount of elements in your data source.


    For instance if I had an XML data source with a given set of Nodes, maybe 5 nodes - in each node theere is an element with a name

    of a person eg <PersonName>Curt</PersonName>, so I would have 5 <PersonName> elements. Now I want

    to create a list of horizontal textfields with a name in every textfield.


    Is it possible ... ?


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