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  1. Would someone please be able to help me out? Here is what I am trying to achieve... Code: -------------------------------- Category Product Date Amount -------------------------------- C1 P1 05/10/07 20 05/11/07 22 05/15/07 24 -------------------------------- Total for Product P1 66 -------------------------------- P2 05/05/07 11 05/26/07 13 -------------------------------- Total for Product P2 24 -------------------------------- Total for Category C1 90 -------------------------------- C2 P3 05/01/07 10 05/03/07 12 -------------------------------- Total for Product P3 22 -------------------------------- Total for Category C2 22 -------------------------------- Grand Total 112 -------------------------------- As you see above, there are 4 columns - Category, Product, Date and Amount. I've created two groups - Category and Product, and I calculate totals for each of the groups, and I output total respectively in each of the Group Footer Bands. The grand totals are calculated for the entire report and go into the Summary Band. The Category, the Product, the Date and the Amount are displayed in the Detail Band. All works fine. Except that I cannot suppress duplicate product and category names. I want to show the Category name only once per Category Group, and the Product name only once per Product Group. The format of the report is very important - the customer is used to seeing "holes" in the grid. The option of enabling Group Header bands is not gonna work here... Thanks for any help!!! Regards, Dmitry.
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