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  1. Thank you very much Edwin :-) Yes, the example works fine. But my problem is more complex: I have to print a text at the bottom of the page that says "follow" or some other, when the report is more than 1 page, and this text must not be in the last page. I can "Print when expression" if the total page number is > 1. But I have a problem to identify the last page to avoiding the print of the text. I cannot use the lastPageFooter because I'm using groups of text-field from java program (in the textField-3 of your example) and lastPageFooter works only for the complete report and there isn't a lastGroupFooter. (I have to print 20 or 30 record and every record has text that split on 1, 2 or more pages and I use groups) Any idea? Have I to use subreports? TIA
  2. What is the way to have a variable that change its value every page from 1 to the number of the last page? (not $V(PAGE_NUMBER)) TIA
  3. I wish to use the variable $V{PAGE_NUMBER} evaluated "Now" and evaluated "Group" (or "Report") in the same expression of a text field. I need to compare the current page with the total number of page in a conditional expression (the field must be printed on all pages except for the first and the last page and only if total pages is >=3). What is the syntax to refer the two kind of the single variable $V{PAGE_NUMBER}? TIA
  4. GREAT! Works! isSplitAllowed="true" Thanks to everyone!
  5. When I execute this report the first page is blank. Someone knows why this? TIA [bEGIN] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!-- Created with iReport - A designer for JasperReports --> <!DOCTYPE jasperReport PUBLIC "//JasperReports//DTD Report Design//EN" "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/dtds/jasperreport.dtd"> <jasperReport name="StampaScheda" columnCount="1" printOrder="Vertical" orientation="Landscape" pageWidth="359" pageHeight="215" columnWidth="331" columnSpacing="0" leftMargin="14" rightMargin="14" topMargin="14" bottomMargin="14" whenNoDataType="NoPages" isTitleNewPage="false" isSummaryNewPage="false"> <property name="ireport.scriptlethandling" value="0" /> <property name="ireport.encoding" value="UTF-8" /> <import value="java.util.*" /> <import value="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*" /> <import value="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.*" /> <field name="Intestazione" class="java.lang.String"/> <field name="CONTINUA" class="java.lang.String"/> <field name="SEGUE" class="java.lang.String"/> <field name="Testo" class="java.lang.String"/> <variable name="RECORD_OVERFLOW" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="None" incrementType="Report" calculation="Nothing"> <variableExpression><![CDATA[$V{PAGE_NUMBER}]]></variableExpression> </variable> <background> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </background> <title> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </title> <pageHeader> <band height="38" isSplitAllowed="true" > <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" pattern="" isBlankWhenNull="true" evaluationTime="Page" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self" > <reportElement x="2" y="1" width="324" height="13" key="textField-3" isRemoveLineWhenBlank="true" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="true"/> <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/> <textElement> <font fontName="Times New Roman" pdfFontName="Times-Roman" size="9" isPdfEmbedded ="true"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["Titolo della scheda"]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> <staticText> <reportElement x="109" y="13" width="61" height="18" key="staticText-2"> <printWhenExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($V{PAGE_NUMBER}.intValue() >1)]]></printWhenExpression> </reportElement> <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/> <textElement> <font pdfFontName="Helvetica-Bold" isBold="true"/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[CONTINUA]]></text> </staticText> </band> </pageHeader> <columnHeader> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </columnHeader> <detail> <band height="26" isSplitAllowed="false" > <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" isBlankWhenNull="true" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self" > <reportElement x="2" y="1" width="324" height="13" key="textField-5" isPrintRepeatedValues="false" isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="true"/> <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/> <textElement> <font fontName="Times New Roman" pdfFontName="Times-Roman" size="9" isPdfEmbedded ="true"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO TESTO MOLTO LUNGO "]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> </band> </detail> <columnFooter> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </columnFooter> <pageFooter> <band height="36" isSplitAllowed="true" > <staticText> <reportElement x="110" y="6" width="215" height="24" key="staticText-1"> <printWhenExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($V{PAGE_NUMBER}!=(new Integer(1)))]]></printWhenExpression> </reportElement> <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/> <textElement> <font pdfFontName="Helvetica-Bold" isBold="true"/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[sEGUE]]></text> </staticText> </band> </pageFooter> <lastPageFooter> <band height="11" isSplitAllowed="true" > <staticText> <reportElement x="10" y="5" width="107" height="5" key="staticText-3"/> <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/> <textElement> <font/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[]]></text> </staticText> </band> </lastPageFooter> <summary> <band height="0" isSplitAllowed="true" > </band> </summary> </jasperReport> [file name=StampaScheda.jrxml size=5894]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/StampaScheda.jrxml[/file]
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