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  1. I have an SQL how below: SELECT COUNTRY.COUNTRY, SUM(SALES.TOTAL_VALUE) FROM COUNTRY INNER JOIN CUSTOMER ON (COUNTRY.COUNTRY = CUSTOMER.COUNTRY) INNER JOIN SALES ON (SALES.CUST_NO = CUSTOMER.CUST_NO) group by COUNTRY.COUNTRY that return name country and value total sales How i can build an chart type BAR 3D with just 1 series and each bar of colors differents ? The chart is OK, but the color is same to all the bars IReport 1.3.3
  2. Edwin.... Very good !!! It work fine !!! Thank´s a lot
  3. Attached Report jrxml and Image View size=400]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/Jasper2.jpg [file name=RelColor.jrxml size=4810]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/RelColor.jrxml[/file]
  4. I make how below get Data from Database: $F{EMPLOYEE_SALARY}.doubleValue() > 50000? "<style forecolor='#ff0000'>" + $F{EMPLOYEE_SALARY}.toString() + "</style>" : "<style forecolor='#0000ff'>" + $F{EMPLOYEE_SALARY}.toString() + "</style>" When show the report it put how image in attached ! IReport 1.3.3 What is wrong ?
  5. The script below is in language Groovy ? $P{number1} >= 0 ? $P{number1} : "<style forecolor='#ff0000'>" + $P{number1} + "</style>" If is, how make the same code in java?
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