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Everything posted by aubryan

  1. The field mappings to give user friendly names to the fields can be done also in a SQL query and I think the process is the same as you create JRXML through iReport. Thanks.
  2. hi, Currently I'am evaluating the JasperServer Pro Ad Hoc Report which the end user can create thier own report. One of the step there prompts the user to find a JRXML file which is created in the iReport which contains the SQL query. My question is, instead of creating a JRXML file created in the iReport can I just substitute it with the SQL query that I created in the JasperServer itself? Thanks.
  3. what I mean is the GUI of the iReport itself not the report file. do you think it is possible?
  4. Hi, I just want to know if the iReport has a capability to design a report with in the web instead of using the natural visual design of the report. I ask this because we want to design a report in our team to just open or access one visual report design and not to install every local machine of the designer it self. The report designer is with in our server. Thanks, Bryan
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