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  1. I found this blog post: http://ireport-tutorial.blogspot.com/2008/11/show-blob-image-in-ireport.html It answered all my questions! -chris
  2. Another Newbie question. Using iReport 3.0. I'm trying to render an image onto a report, and the image source is an Oracle BLOB. I've read many post on the subject, and I must be missing something, or I've confused myself. My report currently contains 3 items. The BLOB field, a description field and an image field. From other posts I see that I should change the TextField and Image field's expression class to java.io.inputStream. I've done this for Image, but can not locate this value in TextField. The textfield's drop-down contains things like java.lang, java.math, java.util, and java.sql. But no java.io's. What have I done wrong? thanks -chris
  3. Thanks for the fast help. I've done what you've suggested and it mostly gives me the desired result. However my StaticFields are not moving with the TextFields. It's almost like they are fixed, even though they two are now defined as "Float". Any ides? -chris
  4. Hello All, Thanks for tolerating a newbies couple of questions. I am coming from an Oracle Reports enviroment, and I'm trying to find matching functionality. I sure it's there, but I haven't found the right terms to research to help myself. Running iReport 3.0. I have a TextItem whose database datatype is a varchar2(2000). I obviously don't want to dedicate the space to print all 2000 bytes when it is typically 50 bytes long. So how do I define the TextItem to be flexible, to grow or shrink as necessary? If its the third TextItem of 10, how do I make the remaining items (text and static) react to the elastic Textitem and move accordingly on the page? Thanks for any help or insight offered. -chris
  5. I as newbie, I'm not sure what you mean by page/code termination (not yet accustom to iReport terminalogy.) Basically, I don't want the output for a student to span two pages. For example, student "A's" imaging begins near the bottom of the page, and continues onto the next. I'm wishing to avoid this. For this situation I want a page break to occur prior to imaging student "A" so that student "A's" data appears at the top of a new page. Thanks for your interest in helping. -chris
  6. Is there a way to force a page break before a detail "group", if the detail and its "subreport" would span pages? Thanks -chris
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