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Everything posted by aetherflux

  1. I'm not entirely sure what you're asking here, but it sounds like a simple solution. Fields in your report are Java Strings... in the expression, simply call toUpperCase() or toLowerCase() as necessary and/or with necessary conditional stipulations, using ternary operators.
  2. I'm going to bump this topic because I'm encountering the same problem. I have a Java Beans datasource as well, but I need the static method to take parameters for the query it runs in the code to populate the vector. My application actually passes parameters into the report, but they're useless unless I have some way to apply them to the data I need to display. Does anyone have any suggestions? Post Edited by aetherflux at 07/08/2009 12:59
  3. The SQL query of my report is comprised of unions; each select statement contains a group title which is different and is the basis for the column name in my crosstab. However, the groups need to go in a certain order; namely, the order that they are put into the SQL query. I tried adding an arbitrary number to each SELECT statement called "groupNumber" in an attempt to get the data ordered the way I want it. The problem is that the crosstab automatically sorts the column headers, which in turn puts the group names from the SELECT statement out of the order I want. Is there a way I can get it to sort by the "groupNumber" that is associated with each group name, while displaying the corresponding group name text?
  4. The API is good if you want to do precision mathematics, but let me give you an easier answer. You can't add two BigDecimals together because that would be crashing two objects into each other, essentially. :-) Your best bet is to take the .doubleValue() of each and add those together, since that method returns a primitive type that you can do arithmetic on. Code:$F{MYDECIMAL1}.doubleValue() + $F{MYDECIMAL2}.doubleValue()
  5. I'm bumping this because I'm having the same problem, and it's rendering the massive compiler useless unless it can take the classpath into account.
  6. Have you tried moving it out of the summary band? Perhaps it's too large to fit with the rest of the data.
  7. I guess what I'm trying to do is make it so that columns only appear in one band. I see "Insert page/column break", but I don't know what it's for.
  8. Actually, you're right... I should be more specific. It also extends up to group headers, something I don't want it to do... unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure how to stop it from doing so.
  9. I'm bumping this topic because I haven't seen a solution for it yet after searching the forums. If anyone knows how to get this done in 3.0.0, it would be greatly appreciated.
  10. 2005 Forums Wrote: By: Sharlene F. - sharleneforsyth Blank at bottom of pages with large textareas 2005-05-19 04:08 Hi, iReport is a fantastic tool! But I am having one issue with large textarea and though I've been fiddling with it for the last five hours, I can't figure it out. Can anyone suggest a fix please? The problem is that I have a very large text field being read in from my database. The text can sometimes be several pages in length. Whenever one of these large text areas spans three pages, the second page has a blank area at the bottom of the page before the textarea carries on on the third page. When more than three pages are spanned, all pages between the first and last pages have blank areas at the bottom. View a screenshot of my problem here: --> http://www.flibblebibble.com/ireportblankarea.png It's almost as if I have hit some sort of text area size limit for a page: too much text in a text area and the textarea is cut off. The funny thing is that people here on this forum report that large text areas work fine for them, so it's probably something to do with my setup, perhaps? I have tried this as a text area and a sub-report, but both produced the same results. I have very small margins, I've shrunk the size of my bands, I have set the offending text area so that "Position type" is "Float" and "Stretch Type" is "RelativeToBandHeight" and "Stretch with overflow" is ticked. I'm completely out of ideas and it's four o'clock in the morning. Time for sleep now, I think! Any pointers would be very much appreciated. Thank-you in advance to anyone who makes time to reply. iReport is such a fantastic tool that I'd love to be able to use it to generate this report instead of the ugly and crappy tool I'm using at the moment. Best wishes, Charlene I'm having the same problem now... in the detail band, I have a text area that gathers text from a database field that allows 9000 characters max. If it's close to it, that's over 3 pages in Word! I need the field to expand over multiple pages (and therefore, the detail band if necessary). It doesn't do that now, even with "Stretch with Overflow" on. I'm using iReport 2.0.4. Has this issue been resolved? Please let me know if more information is needed.
  11. I spotted this post... I'd like to bump it up, because now I am experiencing the same problem. I'm making a report in which the text can be up to 9000 characters... which, at 8pt font, is up to 3 pages in Word, so I can just imagine how many pages it would be in a report. The thing is, I have several other text fields within the detail pane that are also needed... so when the report attempts to execute, the thread just goes on endlessly and I can't debug it. I am on iReport 2.0.4, so I am unaware if this issue was fixed or resolved in later versions in terms of allowing text fields to span multiple pages. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  12. I know that I can use the report properties to make columns in the report. However, I cannot do the same thing for each individual band. I want to make it so that my detail band has three columns, but leaves the others alone. Is this possible without making a crosstab?
  13. Just because the laptop is shared does not mean that the printer attached to it is also shared. Adjust the sharing settings for your printer as well, and put it on the network. :)
  14. I have parameterized the query that I use for a report. I use this parameter called "valueList" that is either a specific entry (like "ABC") or a percent sign ('%'). The query works fine when the parameter is a percent sign, but if I submit it with anything other than that, I get this error: Code:net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error preparing statement for executing the report query : (query left out for privacy purposes.) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuter.createStatement(JRJdbcQueryExecuter.java:192) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuter.createDatasource(JRJdbcQueryExecuter.java:123) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillDataset.createQueryDatasource(JRFillDataset.java:683) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillDataset.initDatasource(JRFillDataset.java:615) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRBaseFiller.setParameters(JRBaseFiller.java:1203) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRBaseFiller.fill(JRBaseFiller.java:842) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRBaseFiller.fill(JRBaseFiller.java:795) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFiller.fillReport(JRFiller.java:63) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager.fillReport(JasperFillManager.java:402) at Smart2K.Printing.ProduceReportWithJasper.setupMainPane(ProduceReportWithJasper.java:83) at Smart2K.Printing.ReportProducer.<init>(ReportProducer.java:79) at Smart2K.Printing.ProduceReportWithJasper.<init>(ProduceReportWithJasper.java:61) at Smart2K.Printing.PrintReport.<init>(PrintReport.java:202) at Smart2K.Printing.ReportParameterPanel.printReport(ReportParameterPanel.java:443) at Smart2K.Printing.ReportParameterPanel.checkDates(ReportParameterPanel.java:484) at Smart2K.Printing.ReportParameterPanel.access$2(ReportParameterPanel.java:446) at Smart2K.Printing.ReportParameterPanel$2.perform(ReportParameterPanel.java:286) at Smart2K.GUI.PrintButton.perform(PrintButton.java:157) at Smart2K.Util.UtilityThread.run(UtilityThread.java:50) Caused by: java.sql.DataTruncation: Data truncation at interbase.interclient.PreparedStatement.setString(Unknown Source) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuter.setStatementParameter(JRJdbcQueryExecuter.java:363) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuter.setStatementParameter(JRJdbcQueryExecuter.java:209) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuter.createStatement(JRJdbcQueryExecuter.java:184) ... 18 more What am I doing wrong?
  15. The only thing that I could find that might be wrong with it (lucky I could read French) is that you're attempting to cast a jasperPrint object as a String. You need to cast the JASPER_PRINT parameter into the class that you pass into it.
  16. I have an XML datasource that I want to use to generate parameters... however, this datasource isn't in a file, it's in the "Parameter" column of the ReportCriteria table of the database that is currently the active JDBC connection. Is there a way to get iReport to somehow parse this data without re-writing my code to create a new XML file every time the report is run?
  17. I want to create a formula that will round a passed parameter. I know Math.round() exists, but iReport doesn't seem to be accepting it. What should I do?
  18. I'm going to bump this topic, as it mirrors my concern, and I'd rather do this than start a brand new one. The only way I can "customize" the value axis interval is by resizing the actual chart... is there a way to to this without resizing? One would think it would retain integer values and not insert decimal values (which it does invisibly, resulting in multiple instances of the same number), just widen the axis intervals as needed. Secondly, the time period on my chart is "week", and the time axis now displays the Monday of every week in the data range. This would be fine, except the periods in my data fall on Wednesdays, so I'd like to be able to see every single day of the week on the time axis.. How would I go about doing so?
  19. ...none, now. I don't know why, but now it's fine. :blink: Thanks for your concern. ^_^"
  20. I'm attempting to format a style to make text bold if a particular field (String) has "S" as a value. However, the condition new Boolean($F{myField}.equalsIgnoreCase("S")) is generating an error for some reason. I see no reason why casting a boolean as a Boolean is a problem. I'm using iReport 1.3.2.
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