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Posts posted by iamsuperman

  1. Hi, sorry for my english, i speak spanish.

    In the "Javabean set datasource" dialog, is it possible to use a method that is not static?

    I want to use something like that:

    new CustomerDAO().getCustomers();

    Of course i can wrap this in a static method, but i prefer another way.

    Thanks in advance





  2. Hi,

    I'm building a report and I have a problem with the output size of HTML, pdf and excel are great, but HTML is too small, unreadable small.

    Is there a way to zoom just the HTML output in say 200% (so the width of the html report will be the width of the screen)?


  3. Now I need to add a lot of static  pages, and I think that it should be unnecesary to have so many subreports. There should be a more sensible solution.


    Thanks anyway.

  4. Hi all,

    I need to know if it is possible to create a spider web chart in iReport. I assume it's not, since I haven't seen it as an option. But perhaps it could be added in some other way.


  5. I have a sort of solution, but it doesn't include iReport.

    As I have all the static content in an open office document, I converted it into pdf. I use iReport only for the dynamic data. And then, once I have all the data I need, I concatenate the two pdf files with iText classes.

    I hope this helps you, since no one seems to know here if this can be achieved with iReport.


  6. Hi everybody,

    I need to pass a Double array to the report. When I create the parameter, am I supposed to set the Parameter Class Type as Double?

    I also put a Default Value Expression like this:

    new Double[] {new Double(12), new Double(-5)}

    If I do this, when I execute the report, two ploblems appears:

    Cannot cast from Double[] to Double
    The type of the expression must be an array type but it resolved to Double.

    What am I supposed to do then?

  7. Hi All!

    I'm doing a report and I want the first five pages with a static text and images. I'm using jasperreports 3.0.0 and iReport 3.0.0.

    I've tried to use the page/column element, but I don't know how to add some text and images in it. I can't make it work.


    Thanks in advance.

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