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Everything posted by iamsuperman

  1. Hi, I have a similar problem (sorry for my english, i speak spanish). I need to dynamic set the parameter of a scheduled report to 'Yesterday', and other for 'Previous month'. How can I do this? Thanks
  2. Thanks for the response. With subreports, i can do something similar, specifying a "data source expression": new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource(new CustomerDAO().getCustomers()) without subreports, i can't do this? Thanks
  3. Hi, sorry for my english, i speak spanish. In the "Javabean set datasource" dialog, is it possible to use a method that is not static? I want to use something like that: new CustomerDAO().getCustomers(); Of course i can wrap this in a static method, but i prefer another way. Thanks in advance
  4. Hi, i have the same problem. Do you know the solution?
  5. Here is the 'video' (an animated gif) http://img250.imageshack.us/img250/4089/jasperservererrorrh1.gif In every click, the control changes the month. Please note, the locale is in spanish. Post Edited by asdfsdafsad sadfsdaf at 01/16/09 17:07
  6. Ok, the attach fails. When I click in the calendar, I obtain a date (09-07-2008, for example). When I click again, I obtain the date 07-09-2008 (the day and month are flipped). I try to attach the file again
  7. Hi, sorry for my english, I speak spanish. I have a weird behavior in a date input control. The day and month 'switch' every time. I attach a video to show the problem. ¿Any idea? Thanks
  8. Hi, I'm building a report and I have a problem with the output size of HTML, pdf and excel are great, but HTML is too small, unreadable small. Is there a way to zoom just the HTML output in say 200% (so the width of the html report will be the width of the screen)? Thanks.
  9. Now I need to add a lot of static pages, and I think that it should be unnecesary to have so many subreports. There should be a more sensible solution. Thanks anyway.
  10. No, it isn't possible. What you can do is to generate the chart with jfreechart and then include it in the pdf as an image. Cheers.
  11. Hi all, I need to know if it is possible to create a spider web chart in iReport. I assume it's not, since I haven't seen it as an option. But perhaps it could be added in some other way. Thanks.
  12. I have a sort of solution, but it doesn't include iReport. As I have all the static content in an open office document, I converted it into pdf. I use iReport only for the dynamic data. And then, once I have all the data I need, I concatenate the two pdf files with iText classes. I hope this helps you, since no one seems to know here if this can be achieved with iReport. Cheers.
  13. Hi everybody, I need to pass a Double array to the report. When I create the parameter, am I supposed to set the Parameter Class Type as Double? I also put a Default Value Expression like this: new Double[] {new Double(12), new Double(-5)} If I do this, when I execute the report, two ploblems appears: Cannot cast from Double[] to Double The type of the expression must be an array type but it resolved to Double. What am I supposed to do then?
  14. Hi! I need to specify bar colors depending on category too, but I have four fixed categories, and they will always appear in the same order. Is there any hope for me? Does anyone know how to do this?
  15. Hi All! I'm doing a report and I want the first five pages with a static text and images. I'm using jasperreports 3.0.0 and iReport 3.0.0. I've tried to use the page/column element, but I don't know how to add some text and images in it. I can't make it work. Thanks in advance.
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