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Everything posted by windowb18

  1. Okay, I think I've figured it out. I've made the detail section as small as possible so it expands the way that it should - based on how many lines print in the 2 subreport. To make the lines around the detail alway be the 5 inches I'm looking for, I put them in the background band. This will always print the same, no matter how many lines print in the detail. The lines in the background start at the same height as my detail band, and end at the bottom of the detail band (if it was stretched out - which is 5 inches tall).
  2. Thanks for the tip, but what I'm trying to do is make my detail band a set height. So no matter what size my 2 subreports are, the detail (with the surrounding border) will always be 5 inches tall. So if the subreports fill it out, they would go right to the bottom of the detail band, and if there's only 1 line in each report, then I'd like the whitespace to the bottom of the detail band. But the lines surrounding it should be the same height - regardless of the number of lines within the detail.
  3. I've tried searching through the forum, and can't find a similar situation to mine. I have 2 subreports within my main report. Each of these subreports will have 1 to many lines. My problem happens because I want to surround my entire detail section with a border. So in ireport, I'm dragging my detail section to as large as I can make it, and I've added lines to the left and right margins of it. My ireport therefore is a true representation of the full page and how it will look when it prints. This results in a lot of whitespace between my second subreport and the bottom of the detail band. And my report is insisting on including this whitespace, so it's forcing it on to multiple pages. If I didn't have the border, I'd pull the detail section up to directly under the second subreport, and let it expand it itself, but because I'm putting in this border, I need the report to be stretched to full capacity. (unless there's a way around this, but I haven't discovered it yet). If I stretch my second subreport to the bottom of the detail section, and my first subreport is 1 line larger, it forces my entire second subreport on the second page. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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